Chinese Nationals are sneaking over the border. No images? Click here Here are some recent articles shared by CaucusRoom members. Get active posting content and maybe we will highlight some of what you share!Biden Passes Blame In an interview with PBS, Biden admitted one of the documents hidden in his home is from 1974. He blames his staffers for packing up papers he should have. State Dept Funded Disinformation Group The U.S. State Department helped facilitate funding for a group that reportedly works to demonetize sites it claims are disseminating “disinformation,” including conservative news outlets. Chinese Illegals Border Patrol apprehensions of Chinese nationals crossing into the U.S. illegally are currently up more than 800% when compared to the same time last year. No Big Deal Biden is defending his decision to wait several days to shoot down the Chinese spy balloon saying it was not a major breach of national security. Poor Hillary Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s trip to India to stump for “alternative clean energy” shows the 2016 presidential nominee is “envious” of President Biden. Oh Canada Illegals that have been bused to Canada are turning around in frustration because it is very cold and snowy. Are You Ready to Laugh?