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Friend --
Last weekend, I had the pleasure to join neighbors
at Westminster's Black History Month program and then later to join a
tour at the Smithsonian Anacostia Museum to mark Rosa Parks birthday,
now celebrated with a push to achieve greater transit equity.
There was a lot of overlap at both meetings in discussing how
transportation has been used to destroy historically Black communities
(Southwest was one of the first sites for the federal government's
disastrous urban renewal in the 1950's) and how it remains
underinvested today.
As I take on the large task of chairing
the Council's Committee on Transportation and the Environment, these
kinds of conversations are guiding my approach on a wide-range of
bills and issues that will pass through our committee.
As a reminder, I'll be at Maketto
on H Street NE this morning from 9-10:30 am. Stop by if you can
and say hello.
Quick Links: Public Safety | Hands Off DC | Rec Centers |
Peter Bug Historic | E-Bikes
Rebate | EV Charging | Swap
out Gas | SNAP Benefits Reduction | $150 Instacart Workers | New
DCPS Contract | Union Station | Special Education | WMATA
Future | Follow-Up Items | New Stop Signs | Caps
Public Safety Update
It has been just over a week since the horrific shooting at
Potomac Avenue Metro Station that killed one and injured two others.
Robert Cunningham was the heroic WMATA mechanic who intervened and
lost his life while saving others. He should be with us today.
Officers tell me MPD was responding to the scene in under a minute and
an arrest was made on the platform - he has been charged with murder
and is being held. MPD has also reported that mental health was likely
a strong factor and this individual's actions began miles away before
he ended up at Potomac Avenue Metro. More of the investigation is
still ongoing, but this violence has impacted a great many people and
our hearts are with Mr. Cunningham's family and the larger WMATA
family. The bottom line is obvious: there are simply too many guns
that are easy to obtain and DC.
I had already been working closely with neighbors
in the area following three unrelated, brazen shootings in recent
months when this happened. So last night we met in a larger setting,
joined by MPD, representatives from the Office of Gun Violence
Prevention, Metro Transit Police, and ANC 6B09 Commissioner Matt
LaFortune to discuss ongoing and specific steps we will take to
improve public safety in the immediate neighborhood. I've also met
earlier this week with some neighbors along the H Street corridor to
further efforts to maintain a safe environment. Let me know if my team
and I can connect with you. I've included a few follow-ups near the end of the email for
Ward 6 Public Safety Updates:
2/3: Arrests
in Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle: Four juveniles were
arrested for unauthorized use of vehicle charges at
17th and Maryland,
NE. 1/27: Arrests
in Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle: Includes multiple
arrests around H Street and NoMa.
Congressional Interference in Local DC Matters is Wrong.
Hands Off DC.
Congress just meddled in the affairs of the District once
again, voting yesterday to overturn two laws passed unanimously by the
Council. Now, not one of the representatives in Congress who will cast
a vote will ever appear on the ballot of a DC resident. We are the
body that should be both speaking for District residents and, in turn,
being held accountable by them. Not
released a statement on Monday on the federal
interference to overturn locally passed legislation. The main message
is simple: this isn’t about the merits or contents of either law.
Don’t pretend it is. This is about power. This is about certain
members of Congress cynically using the District’s lack of statehood
to try and score cheap points. That’s all it is. They haven’t read the
bills. They don’t care or know that nearly every state in the country
has gone through a criminal code modernization and revision like the
one they just overturned. They aren’t representing what it is and
isn’t honestly. They don’t care about the safety of District
neighbors. If they did, they'd confirm more of our judges that our
Courts need right now.
As I noted in my statement, there are plenty of states where
the maximum penalties for serious violent offenses are already lower
than what is in the Revised Criminal Code - and that's without
including any of the new penalty enhancements for repeat offenders,
pre-trial release, protected classes of victims or more found in DC's
revised code. There are also 35 states who have the same standard of a
jury trial when you face jail time that we’ve proposed. I only point
this out to be sure you know we are well within national norms with
our legislation and Congress’ interference is never actually about the
laws – it’s about power and politics at our expense. Hands. Off.
ICYMI: Helpful links of media coverage of
the Revised Criminal Code Act from last newsletter:
First, following the outright false
statements from the Post’s Editorial Board a couple of weeks ago, they
published this letter to the
editor in the Post correcting many of their
- Second, this Slate article makes a
deep dive into the RCCA to
highlight where the fear mongering and misinformation have misled
- Third, you might have seen
this CBS
9 Verify piece explore the ways penalties have
changed in the Revised Criminal Code and helps explain how the RCCA
maintains or *even strengthens penalties* in many offenses,
particularly ones where great harm is done.
- Fourth, Washington Post
columnist Colby King wrote a thoughtful
piece that cut to the chase "That the 100-year-old
code needs revision and updating isn't up for debate" and titled his
column "DC's crime problem is not the criminal code. It runs much
deeper." He gave honest and sobering accounts of young people
experiencing violence in our city.
- Finally, if you missed it, I wrote about the
need for this new criminal code in the
Hill Rag.
DC’s Rec Centers are Mostly Closed on Weekends. Let's
Change That.
Did you know DC’s nearly 70 recreation and community centers
are mostly closed or have limited hours on the weekends? It’s hard to
understand when you look at the important role our libraries play
seven days a week. I’ve introduced legislation to open all our
recreation centers on weekends - when kids and residents really need
them! And yes, that means we’ll need to bring on more staff and more
programming for residents at all ages. But that’s exactly the point of
rec centers! They’re meant to be a place people can go and find
community. Watch
this story on ABC7.
Related: I recently
wrote a letter to both the Department of General Services and the
Department of Parks and Recreation asking for improvements and
expanded hours. I’m happy to report Greenleaf Rec Center will soon
extend hours 6 am to 9 pm on weekdays and 9 am to 6 pm on weekends.
This is a rec center that offers a safe place to many in the
neighborhood, and the expanded hours are a great start to making it
even better.
Ward 6’s Peter Bug Shoe Shop Designated a Historic
Last month, the Historic Review Planning Board voted
unanimously to designated Peter Bug Shoe Repair Academy (located at
13th and E St, SE) a historic landmark in
the DC Inventory of Historic Sites. As a friend of Peter Bug’s for
many years and a supporter of his work in our community, I was proud
to support the nomination of the site, which is very unique within the
surrounding neighborhood.
E-Bikes offer a lot of promise. Let’s make them
affordable for DC residents.
Last week I introduced a bill my team has been working on for
some time to create an e-bike rebate program that can successfully
help more DC residents get on two wheels and ensure bike shops are
prepared for the increased business. If you’ve ridden an e-bike even
once, you know it can be like a cheat code for getting around the city
– and so fun! My bill proposed creating a larger rebate for DC
residents already enrolled in TANF or SNAP or a car-free household
that would also include a bike lock and some refunds toward annual
maintenance. In researching this bill, we talked with folks who have
been part of Denver’s wildly successful rebate program and our local
bike shops. One big change we propose is making the refund available
at the point of sale. Read
more in DCist or from the press
We Need Electric Vehicle Infrastructure to Meet the
Last Friday, I also reintroduced my legislation
setting a goal for 7,500 electric vehicle charging stations in every
part of the District by 2027. Electric vehicles are growing faster and
faster. And as more enter the market and the re-sale market, we need
to be ready for the transition with the right infrastructure. My bill
will help shape the federal funding coming to the District
specifically for building out charging stations. Read
more in the Washington Post.
Making It Easier to Swap Out Gas for Electric Stoves and
Last Friday (it was a busy day), I also re-introduced a bill
to make it easier, and perhaps free, for District residents to make
the change from fossil-fuel burning stoves (natural gas includes
methane) to electric stoves and heating. As we make the transition to
an electric future, we need to take these steps fast. And don’t worry,
no one is coming for your gas stove (although have you tried
induction?!). But for families who are worried about the air quality
issues associated with natural gas or simply want to make the change,
we want to be sure to make it easy. Read more in DCist
from last November or in the Post
this week (though they went more for the culture war
angle than really exists...).
SNAP Benefits Reducing on March
During the pandemic, the federal government provided funding
to increase the amount of money provided in SNAP benefits. That
increase will on March 1, 2023 and it will put some vulnerable
families in a tough spot. If need to know what your regular
(pre-pandemic) benefit amount is, log in to District Direct
Online or download the free District Direct Mobile
App from the Apple Store or the Google Play Store to connect to their
individual account and view past or upcoming benefit
I do want to highlight one helpful step eligible families
should take right now. File your taxes for the Earned Income Tax
Credit and automatically get enrolled in the District’s new Monthly
Basic Income program and start receiving monthly checks that
can help offset this drop in benefits. I fought to get this
created in the budget two years ago, and this is the first year
eligible DC residents can apply. And all you have to do is file your
taxes and be sure to check the box for the Earned Income Tax Credit.
$150 for DC Instacart Workers Per
DC AG Settlement
If you work for Instacart in DC, you may be
entitled to compensation following a successful lawsuit brought by the
District’s Office of the Attorney General. Scan the QR code in the
graphic to the right to learn more or click
Council Approves DCPS Teacher
On Tuesday, the Council unanimously and quickly approved the
contract agreed to between DCPS and the Washington Teachers Union. Our
teachers have been without a contract for years while on the job and
this comes with some important gains. But the years-long process to
get this contract finalized means it's already almost out date. My
comments from the vote and how we need to do right by our teachers
DC Special Education Hub is a Great Resource for
Families and Caregivers
If you have a special needs child in your life, it can be
hard to know all of the tools available to you. The DC Special
Education Hub aims to consolidate information into one location.
here at their website to see what might be helpful to
Union Station's Immediate Future
Earlier this week, I joined U.S. Deputy Secretary
of Transportation Polly Trottenberg and her team for a detailed tour
behind the scenes (and in the bowels) of Union Station. As you know,
I've been fighting for the revitalization of Union Station not just
for the economic recovery from the pandemic, but for the larger vision
of remaking this space into the transit hub DC and the region needs
for the next century.
In the coming years, we'll see a rebuild of the H Street
"Hopscotch" Bridge, increased rail capacity at the station, decking
over the north portion to create a vibrant mix of new homes,
businesses, and public spaces, and much, much more. And some of the
less glamorous work (think: back of house operations!) will take
creative thinking and hard work - and is just as important as the
ribbon cuttings and ground breakings. Partnering with federal and
regional leaders will be crucial to staging and lining up the massive
overhaul Union Station will need and I'm excited about some of the
energy coming out of our meeting and the next steps we're going to
take together. Oh, and in case you ever wondered, I found out where
they keep the giant Christmas wreaths the rest of the year!
WMATA’s Strategic Plan Needs Your
Metro is seeking community feedback on its draft multi-year
strategic transformation plan, #YourMetro, The Way Forward and wants
to hear from you. During the public comment period, you can weigh in
on the future of WMATA. Start
Follow-Up Items from Feb 9 Potomac Ave Public Safety
As I mentioned up above, we had a very productive public
safety meeting last night at Friendship Chamberlain with neighbors in
the area surrounding Potomac Avenue Metro Station. A few follow-ups
from that meeting:
- I will continue to work with MPD and Transit Police
leadership to make the safety around Potomac Avenue Metro a
- Neighbors and I are working together to get this area
designated a Safe Passages area to focus on safety and intervention
with the large number of students that utilize this
- We're exploring ways to create immediate opportunities to
program the Metro plaza and activate for safer spaces, and exploring
long-term solutions with WMATA about what's possible.
- Metro Transit Police wanted to share that in addition to
911, riders can call 202-962-2121 to report any suspicious behavior or
send a text to 696873 (MyMTPD).
- If neighborhood residents need to reach Lt. Mulrooney,
including for those interested in regular PSA meetings in the
neighborhood, her contact info is: [email protected]
New Stop Sign at 9th and K St.,
Thanks to advocacy from neighbors and ANC 6A
Commissioner Keya Chatterjee, 9th and K Street NE has new and improved
stop signs! I was glad to work with them to expedite and push DDOT to
make this needed installation. The K Street NE corridor overall
continues to need safety improvements, but this intersection
desperately needed more after a tragic and fatal collision that took
the life of a neighbor last year. As Chair of the committee with
oversight of DDOT, I want to see the agency working faster across the
city to make fast and simple safety improvements as needed and before
tragedy strikes.
Want to see the Caps take on the Ducks?
There's been a lot of interest in giving away a pair of suite
tickets to see games at Capital One Arena, so let’s keep going. Reply
to this email if you want two free tickets to see the Caps play the
Anaheim Ducks on Feb 23 at 7 pm. You must be a Ward 6 resident to win.
I’ll make a random selection from all entries on Monday, Feb 13.
As a reminder, I'll be at Maketto
on H Street NE this morning from 9-10:30 am. Stop by if you can
and say hello.
See you around the neighborhood,
Charles Allen