Hi John,
The information coming out in my Elections Committee has been shocking. 

Maricopa appears to have engaged in a conspiracy to suppress Republican votes.

This is Wendy Rogers, the Chairman of the Senate Elections Committee of the Arizona Senate. I'm the one actually finding the evidence and putting it out there so people can see. Help me fend off the attacks from the Left!

Pollster Rich Baris was the one who overlaid the Republican voting concentration on Election Day, with the problems with the voting tabulation machines. This is poignant evidence.
UncoverDC has this story:

The Elections Dept. spokesperson went on to explain the Maricopa Recorder’s Office actually maintains an internal function to produce the maps stating,

“The Maricopa County Recorder’s Office has a Geographic Information System (GIS) team that makes all of the maps in-house. We use the turnout data by party for elections such as the Presidential Preference Election, which is a party-only election. We use the all-voter maps for future planning for Primary and General elections.”

The spokesperson for the Maricopa Recorder’s Office wasn’t on the same page, however. When contacted by JTN, that spokesperson explained:

“These hallway graphics do not serve a functional purpose, other than serving as a neat visual aid to voters who come to tour the facility. Please note that the Republican heat map is immediately adjacent to the Democratic heat map.”

So the Recorder’s Office supposedly maintains an internal team at taxpayer expense to collect and plot all the data just to produce nifty wall decorations? When later contacted about the conflicting statements, the Recorder’s Office spokesperson seemed to give JTN an equally nonsensical follow-up response.

“Later, when the recorder’s office was asked a clarifying question about the maps not being used to plan for future elections, the spokesperson reiterated that the maps in the hallway don’t serve a functional purpose, but then repeated the Elections Department’s explanation of heat maps being used for determining vote center locations.”

There is another angle of the MCTEC heat maps story that has not been touched on very much. In addition to theoretically referencing the maps to know which Voting Centers should experience the 19-in ballot image on a 20-in ballot Election Day “hiccup,”—it must be remembered MCTEC is also Maricopa’s centralized tabulation center. As with other municipalities like Detroit, Philadelphia, and Fulton County (GA)—centralized vote-counting centers are a tactic used by the Left to weaken election integrity. It’s very difficult to pull off any effort to manipulate the final vote totals when votes are being counted at hundreds of local neighborhood voting precincts. But when ballots are sent to a single tabulation center, then it only takes a handful of bad actors to manage the process and pull off any widespread ballot stuffing/manipulation scheme.

One point to remember here is that so many of the ballots had major chain of custody issues. Some even changed hands SIX times before being counted!
You should see the unhinged behavior I'm having to deal with by the Democrats in my Committee hearings. 

One even tried to blame me for deaths I was not even present for! I shut that garbage down, real quick. 

They are afraid. They are afraid that their golden era of fraud is being exposed, and they are lashing out. 

Unfortunately, the media is taking the side of the Democrats- shocking, right?

This is why I need your help. If I don't get the truth out myself, no one will!

This was a conspiracy in Maricopa for partisan fraud. Help me so we can make the people listen!

America First,
Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 6th Legislative District
P.S. Arizona is paying attention to how well I can raise money - and how many patriots can support me. Will you help me show them how serious we are about election integrity?

Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.
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