Hi John,

I’m checking in to get your feedback on President Biden's State of the Union Address and to share a few other updates from a busy week in Washington. Before you read on, don't forget to RSVP for my next town hall meeting at 6:00 PM in Anoka next Wednesday, February 15th - and as always, if you cannot make it in person, I invite you to follow along on Facebook. I hope to see you there!

Competency Over Chaos

Last week, I asked you who I should invite to the State of the Union Address. More than 500 of you shared thoughtful ideas - and many of you suggested the very Minnesotan I was honored to bring! My guest was the remarkable Sheriff Dawanna Witt of Hennepin County. Her incredible story is worth your time, and I invite you to watch it below: 

Dawanna Witt's story represents the possibility of America when we lead with invitation rather than confrontation.

When President Biden was first elected, he promised to place competency over chaos - and three years later, his optimistic leadership was on display in last night's speech. I agree with the President: If we’re going to defend our freedoms, support our middle class, honor our financial obligations, and deliver public safety for all, our Congress must come together to govern, not gripe. We can’t legislate decency, but like-minded Americans of principal and integrity can restore the soul of this great nation together - so I'm curious, what did you think about the President's speech, John?

I had the honor of introducing Hennepin County Sheriff Dawanna Witt to House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries before the State Of The Union this week. 

The Weaponization of Antisemitism

The President's State Of The Union Address wasn't the only action on the House Floor making headlines. As you know, Speaker Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans removed Representative Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee last week, a move that erodes the precedent that each party can select members to represent them on committees and threatens the sanctity of the Democratic principles our Congress was formed upon. 

In my estimation, the most dangerous act by elected officials in a democracy is to silence voices of dissent, especially with those we fundamentally disagree with. That's why I believe that Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s actions last week were so dangerous and unacceptable.


Play Button

  It’s time to stop the political theatre and get to the serious work of governing for the people. Watch my speech supporting Rep. Omar on the House floor last week.

Congresswoman Omar and I have different political perspectives and life experiences, but share a belief in debate, deliberation, and reconciliation. She and I have spoken about the language that has offended many, including me, and she has apologized and ensured it will not happen again. In America, diversity is our strength. Public servants in healthy democracies do not exile their political opponents, but rather seek to understand the perspectives of those who eat, think, pray, and vote differently. 

I am, and will always be, a staunch supporter of the nation of Israel, and Rep. Omar has been outspoken in her critiques of the Israeli government. We may not always agree on policy, but we unequivocally agree that in a nation built on the principle of freedom of speech, she should be free to represent her opinions on the Foreign Affairs Committee. Indeed, that is the essence of democracy.  

Denouncing Authoritarianism 

I am a proud American and revere our constitution. Our nation is the most prosperous in the world, and that is in large part due to our commitment to free markets and free enterprise. I voted yes on H.Con.Res 9, Denouncing the horrors of socialism, last week because I think socialism is the wrong economic system for America. However, I take issue with the resolution's incomplete version of history, and remind my colleagues - and all Americans - that free markets will not protect us from the brutal effects of political tyranny. We have to stop perpetuating the false narrative that authoritarianism can only occur in socialist systems and denounce dictatorship for what it is – a threat to our freedom, our safety, and our people, regardless of the economic system that houses it.

Honoring and Supporting our Veterans

I've been on a mission to honor the sacrifice millions of Americans in uniform have made to keep our nation safe and free. That’s why I'm partnering with the Vietnam War Commemoration Program to recognize and celebrate Vietnam-era veterans and their families at pinning ceremonies throughout our community. The next ceremony will be on Wednesday, February 22, at 10:00 AM in the Edina area. Are you, or another Vietnam-era veteran or surviving spouse you know, interested in joining us? Click here to nominate a Vietnam-era veteran or surviving family member in your life for an official commemoration. If selected, a member from my team will reach out to you with more details. 


I also want to ensure that veterans and their families receive the benefits and services they have earned. That’s why my staff is teaming up with local County Veterans Service Officers (CVSOs) to host a Veterans Benefits Information Session next Thursday, February 23rd. I will be there to give remarks, and staff from my office will join our outstanding CVSOs to present information about the new benefits established by the PACT Act, lay out the application process, and answer your individual questions. Here are the details: 

Veterans Benefits Information Session 

Thursday, February 23, 2023
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Hopkins Center for the Arts, 1111 Mainstreet, Hopkins, MN 55343

If you need assistance with a federal agency like the VA, my outstanding team of constituent advocates will review your case and work with you to try to resolve your problem, whatever it might be. In addition to mobile office hours, they are available to help you online, by phone, or in person at my Minnetonka office Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM.

Keep in touch, and keep and the faith,

Dean Phillips

Member of Congress


Bill of the Week

✔️The African American History Act

Education is key to fighting hatred, racism, and discrimination. Since the founding of our nation, the Black community has been integral to the progress of the United States. That's why I'm a proud cosponsor of the African American History Education Act, which invests $10 million over 5 years in the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) to support African American history education programs that are voluntarily available for students, parents, and educators. 


Resources For You 

My team and I are here to serve every person and every corner of our community. I want to make sure you have the resources you need to succeed:

  • Apply for internships: Applications for summer internships in my Minnesota and Washington, D.C. offices are open now! It’s an exciting time to work in Congress, so click here to learn more and apply by April 8th.
  • Savings for homeowners: The Inflation Reduction Act created new federal tax credits for homeowners seeking to make energy efficient upgrades. Click here for a list green tax credits.
  • Look before you book: Do you have international travel plans on the horizon? Make sure you are prepared before you book! Visit https://travel.state.gov/ to check your passport expiration date, apply for a passport, and much more.
  • Find help with utility bills this winter: Minnesota's Energy Assistance program helps pay for home heating and water costs and furnace repairs for income-qualified households. Click here to learn more and apply today. 
  • Keep Minnesota safe and open for business: Keep yourself, and those around you, safe by getting tested if you’re feeling sick or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. Every home in the U.S. is now eligible to order four free at-⁠home rapid tests by visiting www.covidtests.gov/. You can also find other testing options at mn.gov/covid.
  • Get your FDA-approved vaccine: Your decision to get a safe, free, and effective COVID-19 vaccine impacts our entire community. Everyone 5+ is eligible, so visit mn.gov/covid to find yours.

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Washington, DC Office
2452 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2871
Minnetonka Office
13911 Ridgedale Drive, Suite 200
Minnetonka, MN 55305
Phone: (952) 656-5176