From Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress <[email protected]>
Subject An embarrassment
Date February 9, 2023 10:09 PM
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[ [link removed] ]Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress

‘An abuse of public resources. An embarrassment.’

Alexandria didn’t hold back when she summed up yesterday’s Oversight
Committee hearing.

Rather than investigate price gouging or other issues affecting everyday
lives, Republicans held a hearing to accuse Twitter of ‘colluding’ with
Democrats to suppress conservative views online.

[ [link removed] ]Since taking office, Alexandria has fought to shine a light on
Republican nonsense and hold Congress to a higher standard. If you want to
help us demand accountability and fight back against the GOP’s
disinformation machine, can you please chip in today so we can expose the

[ [link removed] ]Contribute $3

The truth is that there is no evidence of bias against the right-wing on
Twitter. In fact, Alexandria revealed that Twitter changed their own
content moderation policy in 2019 in order to allow a racist tweet from
Trump to stay up.^1

After Trump tweeted that Alexandria and the rest of the Squad should ‘go
back to where they came from,’ a Twitter employee in charge of content
moderation flagged that the tweet was an explicit violation of the
company’s policy. So what happened? Twitter changed the policy and the
tweet stayed up. 

And that’s not all. Alexandria also highlighted how another Twitter
account spearheaded an online harassment campaign that falsely alleged
hysterectomies were being performed on young transgender children at
Boston Children’s Hospital. These claims incited a wave of right-wing
threats of violence against the hospital and its staff, culminating in a
bomb threat last August. But to date, Twitter has refused to suspend the

[ [link removed] ]Alexandria is going to continue to hold Republicans and Big Tech
accountable. But we need your help. The more money we raise from emails
like these, the more resources we have to combat disinformation. Can you
chip in $15.91 (our average donation) – or anything you can – today?

In solidarity,

Team AOC


1 - [ [link removed] ]Business Insider


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