Guillermo Bustos lived in the Los Angeles area for almost 20 years. Growing up as an immigrant, he was excited about his future. He had plans of finishing his degree and pursuing a medical career.
But in one day, the drug war stripped it all away from him.
In 2016, Guillermo was taking a ride in a car. The police pulled the car over and found drugs. In what felt like an instant, Guillermo was handcuffed on the side of the highway. It didn’t matter that he had no idea there were drugs in the car.
In a scene that plays out thousands of times a day across the country, Guillermo was arrested. He was charged with possession, attempt to distribute, and conspiracy to distribute. He didn’t even learn what type of drugs the police had found until his court hearing.
He had little choice but to plead to a felony. The judge handed him a four-year sentence—which triggered an automatic deportation order despite his documented status. After serving his sentence, he was transferred to ICE custody, only to be released due to COVID-19.
Make no mistake, the drug war does not keep us safe. It does not protect us. And for those of us who are targeted by the drug war’s wrath, like Guillermo, the impacts are far-reaching and long-lasting.
We need members like you, now more than ever.
When you join today, a generous donor will match your gift in TRIPLE—up to $25,000.
Every 31 seconds, someone in this country is arrested simply for possessing drugs, with devastating impact, making it harder to get a job, housing, student financial aid, and more. Too many lives are derailed by cruel, punitive drug policies.
While Guillermo is no longer locked up, he still suffers and now spends his time fighting for relief from his single drug conviction.
Instead of working toward his life goals, he is working to pay for lawyers to help with his case. It is his only chance to avoid deportation, stay with his family, and keep his life in Southern California.
We all have our own personal reasons why we want this war to end. And whatever that reason is for you, I hope it will inspire you to join today.
No amount is too big or too little. It’s your voice, your support, and your membership that means so much to us in our drive to end the war on drugs and its devastating impact on our communities.
I encourage you to join us today.
Thank you for your consideration,