It’s true. I am considering running against Lauren Boebert again in 2024...


I want to start this email by saying two simple words that not enough politicians say: Thank you.

When I decided to run against Lauren Boebert last year, I thought we’d have a good chance of winning.

I knew if we made it through the primary, ran the right campaign, and worked hard, we could beat Boebert in 2022. After all, she had only won by 5 percent in 2020.

Very few people believed we could actually win. All of the national pundits said it was a “Safe Republican” seat. But you and I… We proved them wrong.

On Election Night, the talking heads on cable news couldn’t believe the results coming in. The race went to a recount, and ultimately, after all the ballots were counted, we came up just 546 votes short. It was the closest race in the entire country.

Lots of people have asked me how we got so close. And sure, I think it has a lot to do with how fed up voters are with Lauren Boebert caring more about herself than about the district. But we also put in the work.

My family and I drove 24,000 miles in my red pickup truck to every corner of the district. We showed up, met people where they were, and spent time listening to everyone – something Rep. Boebert might consider actually doing herself from time to time.

And then, there was you. People like you volunteered, donated, made phone calls, sent postcards, knocked on doors… Our campaign was truly grassroots-powered. We couldn’t have done it without you.

So yes, it’s true. I am considering running against Lauren Boebert again in 2024. It’s not going to be easy. Her Super PACs are going to spend millions saying the nastiest things they can dream up about me on TV. That’ll be hard for my family and me – especially my two children.

But Lauren Boebert continues to be everything that’s wrong with Congress right now.

I want to hear your thoughts: Reply directly to this email, and let me know what you think. Would you be all-in to do this with me if I run again?

I’m eternally grateful for everything you did to support our team during the last campaign. It’d mean a lot to hear from you.

With gratitude -