Mark your calendar for our general meeting next Wednesday, February 15. You're invited to join us to vote for chapter officers and help us plan for the year. We hope to see you there!
February General Meeting Wednesday, February 15
7:00 pm
This will be a hybrid meeting (Zoom and in-person). Watch your inbox and/or Slack for meeting details, including location and a Zoom invite.
2023 Officer Elections
The Chattanooga DSA elects officers each year. The positions up for election in 2023 are listed below. There will be a chance to nominate someone from the floor at the meeting.
Positions up for election:
Cochair (2)
YDSA Liaison
Harassment and Grievance Officer (2)
We hope to see you there! Here are more ways you can get involved:
Most importantly,join our Slack group to stay in the loop. This is our main communication method.