URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Factory farming is hurting people, animals, and our shared environment -- and the USDA continues to support it!

Advertisements from companies like Tyson, Marfig, and Smithfield are intentionally misleading consumers by portraying happy animals on spacious farms, roaming freely among open green pastures. These corporations spend MILLIONS of dollars each year to keep you from realizing just how ABUSIVE factory farms actually are.

The truth is that from the moment these animals are born, they are subjected to unimaginable cruelty. Calves are torn apart from their mothers and shoved into crates. Hens are crammed into tiny cages no bigger than a sheet of paper where they can’t even spread their wings. Pregnant mother pigs are confined to metal pens that are too tight for them to turn around. 

Big Ag wants to keep deceiving you about what’s really going on so that they can continue to profit off of these abuses -- at the cost of animal welfare, public health, and the environment. We must hold these greedy corporations accountable. Add your name to demand an END to USDA support of factory farms! >> 

The unsanitary conditions at factory farms are not just harmful to the helpless animals who suffer there. They’re also breeding grounds for HAZARDOUS VIRUS AND BACTERIA, including mutations that could attack human immune systems. Infectious disease experts worry that these farms are a highly likely source for the next pandemic.

On top of that, factory farms release MASSIVE amounts of harmful pollutants into the environment, deepening the climate crisis and contaminating local food and water sources. These environmental risks are especially heightened for rural, low-income, and Black and Brown communities. 

The factory farm industry is one of the WORST perpetrators of animal cruelty, air, and water pollution, public health risks, and climate-harming emissions. And they aren’t just getting away with it -- they’re making huge sums of MONEY from it! If we’re going to put enough pressure on the USDA to STOP supporting these dangerous facilities, we need activists like you in this fight against factory farms, Friend. Can we count on you to take urgent action now?

Thanks for taking action!
Friends of the Earth
