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NSS chief executive Stephen Evans notes that Catholic clergy were willing to break the seal of confession to 'out' gay and lesbian military personnel, and
yet reject the idea of the mandatory reporting of child abuse applying to priests in the confessional.
Major concerns have been raised over whether the land at a cemetery is suitable to bury people in, with fears coffins could leak into the city's water.
This editorial says President Trump is again trying to score political points with his evangelical supporters by unveiling a "religious freedom" initiative
that suggests, cynically, that Christianity in America is under sustained attack and that the federal government must come to its rescue.
The US Supreme Court has taken up an appeal by the Trump administration seeking to enforce new federal rules allowing employers to obtain religious
exemptions from an Obamacare requirement that health insurance that they provide to employees pays for women's birth control.
A religious sect whose members professed to be "anointed by God" forced a pregnant woman and five of her children to walk through fire as part of a cult
ritual, according to local residents.
Keith Porteous Wood says the shocking failings highlighted by the BBC documentary The Church's Darkest Secret show the need to separate church and
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