Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM) February 2023 Newsletter February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM), a month-long campaign dedicated to raising awareness about teen dating abuse. Every February, national organizations, local and tribal organizations, youth-lead organizations, young folks and love ones join together across the country for a national effort to raise awareness about the issue of teen dating violence because the reality is, it happens far too often to the relatives we love. Teen dating violence is more common than many people think. 1 in 3 teens in the U.S. will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by someone they are in a relationship with before they become adults. Nearly half (43%) of those who identify as college women report experiencing violent and abusive dating behaviors. Everyone has the right to a safe and healthy relationships. Dating abuse can happen to anyone. With 1 in 3 teens experiencing some form of relationship abuse, and two thirds who never tell anyone, we have to do more to bring awareness to dating violence. This year, CSVANW is going to amplify loveisrespect 2023 TDVAM campaign “Be About It”. “Be About It” is a continuation of last year’s theme, “Talk About It”. Talk About It “is a call to action for young people and those who support them to engage in meaningful conversations about healthy relationships and negative behaviors that may be unhealthy or even abusive.” This TDVAM, we’re all about education, engagement, and empowerment. In addition, amplify the voices of our youth and those who support them by uplifting positive, healthy, and safe relationships. Join CSVANW, youth, and other organizations as we amplify our youth’s voices, highlighting the issues our youth face related to healthy relationships. Our young relatives deserve relationships that are free from violence and abuse. Together, we can raise awareness and stop dating abuse before it starts. #CSVANWYouth #TDVAM2023 #TDVAM #BeAboutIt TDVAM CSVANW in the Community Jan 2023 - Our CSVANW Team gathered to conduct our two-day Staff Retreat at the beautiful Sky City Cultural Center & Haa’ku Museum located in the Pueblo of Acoma. We are so thankful to have had the support of tribal leadership to ground us in our initiative of strategic planning and team building, it was an honor to be in Acoma tribal lands. During our time together, we worked with a pueblo potter to learn about the traditional art of making pottery and grounded ourselves in our connection to the land by creating pottery together. We then moved into our strategic planning of reflection on our past year’s accomplishments, our current trajectory, and dreaming of the future for CSVANW. We are so grateful to all those who came together to support our time in Acoma and who continue to support the vision and direction of our organization. Together, we do more. Follow us on social media to stay updated when CSVANW is in the community. General contributions and donations from individual supporters and organizational partners are essential for CSVANW's sustainability and effectiveness. Your donation helps make it possible for us to cultivate and strengthen our ability to advocate for Native women and children and breaking of cycles of violence. Donate today NOTE: All presentation requests for Sex Trafficking initiatives will be put on hold till further notice. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 9th Annual Tribal Leaders Summit March 22 & 23, 2023 Santa Ana Star Casino Hotel 54 Jemez Canyon Dam Road Santa Ana Pueblo, NM 87004 The 9th Annual Tribal Leaders Summit – Tribal Leaders Summit is a free briefing for tribal, state and federal officials and those who work with victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. An annual briefing that focuses on providing policy and legislative updates, share best practices directly from our communities and provide a current state of affairs in the movement to end violence. The summit highlights the unique tribal, state and federal perspectives and challenges that our New Mexico tribal communities face in regards to addressing and responding to violence against our Native women and children. Agenda coming soon More information will be made as soon as they are available. Thank you for your patience! Register Today **IMPORTANT FOR CSVANW MEMBERS** Please use code TLS23MEM when you are registering for our Tribal Leaders Summit. Registration is limited. Due to the high amount of interest in this year’s Tribal Leaders Summit, if you are registering, we kindly ask you to stay committed to it and make your attendance. Please email us if you cannot attend the summit so we can add from the waiting list. Thank you. This training is the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women’s 40 Hour-Core Advocacy Training that provides new domestic violence/sexual assault advocates and first responders with state certification in New Mexico and Four Corners region. CSVANW’s 40 Hour Advancing Core Advocacy Training is 1 of 2 state certified trainings for new domestic violence advocates. We aim to help first responders and domestic violence advocates work together effectively in a times of crisis. REGISTER 2023 Greenpeace Action Camp Application Action Camp will be held near Prescott, Arizona on April 8th-12th, 2023. We will be accepting applications for the camp until February 17, 2023. Initial acceptances will be sent out by February 28, 2023. General Overview This is a 5-day camp with travel days on either side. Applicants must be able to commit to attend the entire time. Before applying, please make sure that you will be able to arrive no later than the evening of Friday, April 7th and depart no earlier than the morning of Thursday, April 13th. This camp is free of cost; all programming, accommodation, and meal costs are covered by Greenpeace. You will be responsible for your own travel costs. Limited travel stipends will be available for people who need support in order to attend camp. Please make sure you indicate on this application if you would like us to consider you for a travel stipend. Please note, while we understand everyone is coming from different walks of life and self-medicating in a number of ways, this camp will be a sober space. Please consider if you are able to commit to this before applying to camp. More Information You are invited to participate in the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC) Research Survey, COVID-19 Indigenous Advocacy Workforce Wellness Program. The purpose of this survey is to better understand the Indigenous domestic violence advocacy workforce employee COVID-19 needs for the development of educational resource materials and inform decision makers for policy developments to ensure the safety, sustainability, and capacity during the COVID-19 pandemic. This survey should take approximately ten (10) minutes to complete. All responses will be kept anonymous unless you voluntarily share identifiable information. Completing this form will be interpreted as informed consent. I acknowledge; that I am 18 years or older and my participation is voluntary. If at any time during your participation in the survey that you feel discomfort and need peer support, please contact StrongHearts Native Helpline, call or text 1-844-762-8483 or chat online by visiting strongheartshelpline.org. If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Kendra M. Root, Research Associate, via email at
[email protected]. We appreciate your time and efforts in the completion of this survey. Survey Link Apply Apply Keep checking back for more opportunities here. Become a Member Donate Today Follow us on Social Media Stay Updated: Sign Up for Our Emails Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women | 4600 B Montgomery Blvd NE, Ste 202, Albuquerque, NM 87109 Unsubscribe
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