Instead of holding billionaires accountable, the GOP is targeting the middle class!
After House Republicans proposed a 30% national sales tax, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren had something to say:
Do you think a 30% sales tax proposed by Republicans would burden the middle class? Take our survey and let us know how you feel:
Instead of an income tax, this proposed Republican House bill would abolish the IRS and the federal tax code as we know it – eliminating the rich from paying their fair share!
The new 30% sales tax proposal would affect every American the same – no matter how much money you make.
Elon Musk and a single mom shouldn’t be paying the same amount for a dozen eggs without an income tax. Period.
The GOP always cuts taxes for the wealthy and increases taxes for working families. But we want to hear from you – do you think a 30% sales tax would benefit billionaires and harm middle class families?
1973 Action Fund