Dear Prayer Warrior
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has defended life and liberty every day since he was appointed to the Court over 30 years ago.
From his first high profile case, Planned Parenthood vs. Casey, where he voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, he has courageously stood up to the culture of death and defended the unborn.
And for all this, he’s faced countless attacks from the radical Left - and now, they’re doing all they can to remove him from the Supreme Court.
Last summer when Clarence Thomas was hospitalized for a severe illness, the Left used the media focus on him as an opportunity to call for his resignation or even impeachment! For his political enemies to take advantage of rumors and attack him while he is recovering from an illness is just shameful.
So I’m coming to you now to ask for your continued prayers for Justice Thomas as the attacks from the radical Left become even more vicious.
Intercessors for America will be hand-delivering a batch of prayers to Justice Thomas soon and we want to make sure yours is included.
Clarence Thomas has never been one to back down when faced with attacks, and we’ve seen these personal and spiritual attacks appear in many ways:
As believers, we must join together and ask our Heavenly Father to:
Today, I need your help as a prayer leader in your community to combat any and all attacks on Clarence Thomas with around the clock prayer protection.
Our mission at Intercessors for America is to inform, connect, and mobilize intercessors to pray for our nation and our leaders.
We’ve delivered prayer cards from Christians like you to conservative leaders such as President Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.
As his enemies ramp up their attacks --- we must also ramp up our efforts to fight back in the most powerful way possible --- with prayer.
Thank you in advance for your support.
God Bless,
David Kubal President & CEO Intercessors for America (IFA) Intercessors for America (IFA) is a 501(c)(3) ministry organization and was founded in 1973 when God impressed upon the hearts of a group of godly, respected men the necessity of prayer and fasting.
© 2020 Intercessors for America | www.ifapray.org P.O. Box 915 Purcellville, VA 20134 click |