Washington, DC — February 8, 2022 — Asian Americans Advancing Justice – AAJC’s President and Executive Director, John C. Yang, issues the following statement about President Biden’s State of the Union address:
“In his State of the Union address last night, President Biden said there’s more work to be done…and he’s right. Now more than ever we need to have an administration and Congress willing to tackle the tough issues and make the right decisions.
Principal among the issues is to act on Biden’s call to Congress to fix our broken immigration system. Current policies are hurting our most vulnerable immigrant communities, prolonging visa backlogs, not protecting asylum seekers, and missing opportunities to give a pathway to citizenship for millions of immigrants. Americans agree on most of the basic steps necessary. It is past time we had a more humane immigration system.
Congress has the power to restore and strengthen the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, so it protects a cornerstone of our democracy. This is an American issue, not a partisan one.
Lastly, there is clearly more work necessary to protect our communities of color from racist attacks, police brutality, and attacks on teaching the true history of our nation. Advancing Justice – AAJC tackles these tough issues every day and now we look to the Biden Administration and Congress to do the same.”