Climate victories featured in State of the Union address
In last night’s State of the Union address, President Biden highlighted the bipartisan climate victories achieved within the last year. The president began by emphasizing the importance of the climate provisions included in the Inflation Reduction Act. "The Inflation Reduction Act is also the most significant investment ever in [addressing] climate change," Biden said. "Lowering utility bills, creating American jobs [and] leading the world to a clean energy future." The president also took a moment to highlight the CHIPS Act, as well as the Science Act, two laws designed to give the United States a competitive scientific and technological edge while boosting job opportunities. President Biden then focused on the need for collaboration to tackle climate change. "The climate crisis doesn't care if you're in a red or blue state. It's an existential threat," said Biden. "I'm proud of how America, at last, is stepping up to the challenge." You can like and share our tweet about the State of the Union below.
In other news this week: • Join our LTE party: Join us on Feb. 14 for a letter to the editor writing party! These events take place over Zoom, and they’re designed to give you the time and help needed to write a letter to the editor about climate in your area. • CCLer interview on NPR: A CCLer and graduate student, Megan Quinn, recently gave CCL a shout-out in an interview with NPR Arizona. She said joining Citizens’ Climate Lobby showed her “how a group of people can move things at a lot faster pace and take a lot more action together, versus me as just an individual.” • Agriculture and Forestry Action Team webinar: Check out this special webinar with the Agriculture and Forestry Action Team on Feb. 14 about agroforestry, featuring several guest speakers from the Savanna Institute. • Check out our Groundhog Day meme: Like and share this meme on CCL’s Instagram, which features one wise groundhog offering some encouragement for fighting climate change! |