
Last night, our country watched President Biden lay out his vision for our country in his State of the Union address. 

I appreciated his focus on cutting costs for working families and small businesses, protecting social security and medicare, and giving our veterans the care and treatment they earned. 

Let’s be clear: These plans are only possible if both sides of the aisle come together and make some compromises. We’re dealing with a divided Congress now, which means nothing will get done until both parties agree to stop the partisan bickering and get to work for the American people. They’re counting on us to cut the nonsense. 

Bipartisanship is one of the things I’m proudest of during my time in the Senate. I don’t care who you are — if you’re willing to work with me to make life better for Montanans, let’s get to work. 

I’m ready to get to work with colleagues from across the aisle and get things done — but it’s only possible with your support. Can you chip in any amount today to help me out?

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During the speech last night, we saw a lot of division and animosity between my colleagues all across the political spectrum. But enough is enough. It’s time to move this country forward and leave it better than we found it for our children and grandchildren. 

Thanks for your support. I appreciate it.

— Jon