The State of the Union address was last night, and it went
pretty much according to script - the President shared his thoughts,
the Republicans rebutted. Both spoke about the American people, but neither spoke to them. Forward did.
We asked you to share the state of the Union from your
perspective, and we were overwhelmed by the response. Here are a few
that we received:

We know
the issues facing Birmingham, Alabama, will differ from those in
Bellingham, Washington, and the solutions to those issues will be as
distinct as those communities. That is the true
bedrock of our Union - communities united together, but tackling the
issues they face in a way that makes sense for them. That
understanding is sadly lost in the current political
Forward is a
party that not only understands that nuance but is built specifically
around it! We know top-down decision-making is unproductive, and we
welcome community-based solutions to the issues we face. It’s a nuance
our Co-Chair Gov. Christine Todd Whitman addresses in the video

is doing things differently. Together, we’re building a new party that
celebrates our differences and welcomes nuance. Thank you for joining
us on this journey.
Best, Forward
© 2023 Forward Party, all rights reserved.
mailing address is: P.O. Box 9172 Fredericksburg, VA 22403, United
Paid for by Forward
Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's