Dear John

Yesterday, the Virginia House of Delegates passed two anti-trans bills that callously target trans and nonbinary youth and students. The two bills, which now head to the Virginia Senate, are HB 1387, a transgender athlete ban, and HB 2432, a forced outing bill. 

But we’re here to reassure you– the Senate has already rejected six baseless anti-trans bills and we expect them to do the same when they hear HB 1387 and HB 2432, the last two anti-trans bills moving through the General Assembly.

We anticipate the Senate Education and Health Committee may take up these two bills on Wednesday, February 15th. We know the exhaustion, disappointment, and worry that you’re likely feeling, and we want to encourage folks to spend time in community and focus on finding peace and rest. If you’re interested, we’d also like to share two opportunities for you to express your advocacy in a way that prioritizes love, care and joy.

Share Trans Joy on Valentine's Day - Feb. 14th

We are proud to announce that Equality Virginia will be hosting our second annual Valentine’s Day Letter Drop at the Virginia General Assembly on Tuesday, February 14th! Click the button below to fill out our form and construct a Valentine's letter to your lawmakers. Feel free to tell as much of your personal story as you feel comfortable with, and be sure to either ask your lawmakers to support trans kids and reject anti-trans bills, or thank them if they have already done so.

These letters will be printed on letter paper and delivered in-person at the legislature on Tuesday, February 14th between 8:30 and 10:00 AM. If you are able, we invite you to come be part of the letter drop and enjoy “Protect Trans Kids” cookies made by social justice baker Arley Cakes! Please click the button below to indicate your interest, and we'll reach out to you with more information soon.

See photos from last year's Letter Drop below!


Youth Advocacy Day - Feb. 14th

Running simultaneously with our Valentine’s Day Letter Drop, Equality Virginia will be hosting our first-ever Youth Advocacy Day! We know that youth voice is especially powerful in making change in our communities, and we want to help uplift and honor that voice. Our Youth Advocacy Day will give participants a chance to get an in-depth look at the legislative process, learn about the anti-LGBTQ+ bills proposed this session, and get trained on key talking points to help guide your conversation with your legislators. Sign up by clicking the button below!

If you’re unable to join us for either of these events, we encourage you to lean into rest and rejuvenation as we head into the final weeks of session.


In solidarity,

Narissa Rahaman (she/her)

Executive Director


P.S.- Consider making a $10 donation to support our Valentine’s Letter Drop and Youth Advocacy Day, which will provide an opportunity for Virginians to come to Richmond and have critical conversations with key Senators ahead of a key vote to stop the last two anti-trans bills.

Contact Us

Equality Virginia
530 E Main St Ste 600
Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 643-4816
[email protected]

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