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NRA-ILA: Institute for Legislative Action

DAILY ALERT FOR Sunday, January 19, 2020

Washington: Upcoming Hearings On Gun Bills This Week
Washington: Upcoming Hearings On Gun Bills This Week
As previously announced, the Washington State Legislature will be hosting committee hearings next week on over a dozen Second Amendment related bills. Please see below for the latest information on the committee hearing agendas, including the announcement of an ADDITIONAL Senate Law & Justice hearing scheduled for Tuesday, January 21st.
Florida Alert! Donald Trump, Jr. Blasts FL Republican Bill Galvano Over Taking Money from Bloomberg
Many, many people have asked why Senate President Galvano made one of his priority bills a Committee Bill rather than have it filed as a regular bill with a Senate member sponsor to handle it for him. 
New Hampshire: Private Transfer Ban & Waiting Period Bills Set for Committee Hearing
New Hampshire: Private Transfer Ban & Waiting Period Bills Set for Committee Hearing
On January 22nd, the New Hampshire House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will hold public hearings on House Bill 1379-FN and House Bill 1101-FN, sponsored by Representative Rogers (D-Merrimack 28), at 1:00 PM in Rooms 210-211 of the Legislative Office Building.
Hawaii: Gun Control Measures Introduced With More on the Way
Hawaii: Gun Control Measures Introduced With More on the Way
The Hawaii Legislature opened on Wednesday and an onslaught of bills targeting your Second Amendment Rights have been introduced. Below, find a brief description of the more significant anti-gun bills that were introduced this week. 
Georgia: Carry Permit Reciprocity Bill Introduced
Georgia: Carry Permit Reciprocity Bill Introduced
On January 16th, House Bill 787 was introduced to expand the ability of law-abiding citizens to defend themselves and their families both within Georgia and in other states. HB 787 now awaits assignment to a committee for further consideration.
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� 2019 National Rifle Association of America, Institute For Legislative Action. To contact NRA-ILA call 800-392-8683. Address: 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, Virginia 22030.
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