Friend, There's still time to join us for tomorrow's briefing where we'll discuss the recent tragedy in Memphis and some practical policy solutions that can transform public safety across the country. We hope to see you on the call, Zach, People For the American Way ----[previous message]---- Friend, Like you I am horrified, saddened, and angered by the tragic and preventable death of Tyre Nichols. While the nation grapples with yet another death resulting from police violence, the People For family would like to send our heartfelt condolences to all of our members in the Memphis area and throughout Tennessee who have been forced to confront the epidemic of police violence in your own backyard. As tragedies like these continue to unfold around the country, what is clear is that the culture of violence and abuse within police departments is a failure of the U.S. policing system – not just of individual officers. Police killings and other egregious abuses will never end until we adopt long-term systemic solutions that weed out violent officers in the application process and change systems so we prioritize unarmed responses to non-violent emergencies. Joining me during the briefing will be:
During the call we’ll talk about the tragedy in Memphis, practical policy reforms that are discussed in the All Safe report, and ways advocates can engage right now to create change in their communities. Only by working together can we create lasting and meaningful change that can put an end to these senseless tragedies. Thanks for all that you do, Svante Myrick