This is urgent - please, read this today.
BREAKING ... earlier today, Trump announced he will soon remove protections for roughly half of the country's wetlands and millions of miles of streams, many of which feed into our drinking water.

This comes after a move earlier this month to gut the National Environmental Policy Act, removing the requirement that agencies consider climate change when approving major projects like pipeline construction, offshore drilling, and other infrastructure proposals.

These are set to be some of the most damaging and far-reaching environmental decisions of this presidency.

Environmental groups are organizing legal challenges. We're mobilizing to flood House and Senate offices with letters. We're organizing activists in key states. We're going to overwhelm federal agencies with public comments.

A major donor has put up a $500,000 contribution to fund environmental campaigns like this one — if 10,000 LCV members pitch in first. We're turning to you for help.

Please, renew your membership with the League of Conservation Voters today for $5 or more. It's the best thing you can do to help right now »

Friend: In reaching that goal, small donations count the same as big ones. Renewing your membership for just $5 could make the difference between funding some major environmental campaigns this year or totally scaling back.

AND, if you make a donation of $35 or more, you'll get your choice of one of these awesome t-shirts:
Environmental Pride

I hope we can count on you. The damage here is going to be far-reaching, and it's not going to impact all communities in the same way. Communities of color and low-income communities already disproportionately suffer from pollution and contaminated drinking water. This will exacerbate these inequalities by letting corporations dump pollutants into our drinking water and destroy the wetlands that filter pollution and reduce flooding.

Even Trump's own appointees are against this. This is coming over the objections of EPA scientific advisers, most of whom Trump appointed. Their analysis stated the change is "in conflict with established science ... and the objectives of the Clean Water Act."

We cannot let this stand. Not without a fight — but the window to stop Trump is short. Please, don't sit this one out, friend.

Renew your LCV membership for just $5 today »

Thank you — for everything you do for the environment.


LCV Rapid Response Team
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