Keep the signatures coming — it's making a difference 🖊

Our open letter to Governor Abbott is gaining traction, John. 

First: Abbott has signaled his support for an outrageous piece of nativist legislation that would bar Iranians, including ones who are rightfully and legally in the U.S., from owning property in Texas. 

Now: We drafted an open letter that we're gathering signatures for to push back, and we need your help.

Our records show that you have not added your name to the letter. If that's right, will you take a moment to add your name? The more names we collect, the more pressure we put on Abbott to back down. 

This is about civil rights and ensuring that nobody is discriminated against because of their national heritage. As the Muslim ban demonstrated, we can’t trust that the courts will strike down clear cases of discrimination - we need to organize and win politically. That includes defeating this racist, nativist Texas ban. 

Take a moment now to sign on NOW→

Add your name

Ryan Costello
Policy Director, NIAC Action

NIAC Action is dedicated to building political power for the Iranian-American community to advance peace & diplomacy, secure equitable immigration policies, and protect the civil rights of all Americans. NIAC, the 501(c)(3) sister organization of NIAC Action, is dedicated to educating & engaging the Iranian-American community in order to further advance these priorities.

Support our work by making a gift to NIAC Action today >>


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