John --
I'm about to head home from DC after last night's State of
the Union, but wanted to share some quick words on what I believe to
be the top-line takeaway from last night: decorum matters.

We may not like someone, what they say, or how they act, but
a democracy falters when its leaders cannot be civil toward one
another. After all, politics was created so we could solve problems
without violence. There are plenty of cautionary tales from history
(and the present) of what happens when politics is poisoned. It
doesn't end well.
But that doesn't have to be our story. The Reasonable
Majority can be the antidote -- but only if we awaken and activate
more good people to believe that we not only deserve
something better but that it's possible.
Country First is working overtime to help our nation BREAK
FREE from the apathy and hopelessness that allows us to accept the
kind of behavior we saw last night. It's not that we need more
Republicans or more Democrats in Congress -- we need more good,
reasonable people of all stripes who care more about preserving our
democracy than pleasing the extremes.
That's what we all deserve, and that's what we'll get when we
work together to make it happen.
Ok, time for my flight.. thanks for reading and let's plan to
get together soon.
Country First,