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Wednesday, February 8th, 2023


A Prayer for Our Time

Ira Katz

The Maskers Just Took a Beating

Tom Woods

Where Do Things Stand?

James Howard Kunstler

Blind U.S. Leaders Run Towards Nuclear Destruction, Ignoring Putin’s Warnings

Ben Armstrong

The Fed Is All that Matters … Until it Doesn’t and Everyone Just Ignores it

David Haggith

The Chinese Spy Balloon Hoax

Paul Craig Roberts

Pfizer Admits ‘Directing’ the Evolution of Covid-19 Virus

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Russia’s Strategic Aims – In Consequence to a Collapsing U.S. Empire

Alastair Crooke

The Fed Can’t Fight What It Doesn’t Understand

Peter Schiff

Be Careful of the Goals You Seek With Bad Data

Tom Luongo

Bombshell: Holding Them To Account For Crimes Against Humanity – Pascal Najadi & Todd Callender

Alexandra Bruce

Mercouris: ‘Something Big Is On the Way’

Mike Whitney

Political Theatre

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