State of the Union or the state of confusion? I livestweeted the Biden's state of the Union dumpster fire. It was worse than you thought it would be.
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Livetweeting State of The Union
I livestweeted the Biden's state of the Union dumpster fire. It was worse than you thought it would be.

Go here for all the tweets.And if you are not following me on Twitter, it's never too late.

And check out Trump's play by play in Truth ...

China’s People’s Liberation Army: Military Can Use Balloons To Test Enemy Air Defenses
While the Biden regime sat and watched…..until American outrage forced them to action and only after the Chinese airship had completed its mission. Gd help us.

April 2022 Paper By China's People's Liberation Army: Military Can Use Balloons To ...

United Airlines Graduates First Class Of New Pilots: 80% of Them Are Women or People of Color
United is the first major airline to have its own flight school, opening Aviate Academy in December. The airline says 80% of the first class, of which Foster and Arroyo are a part, are women or people of color, because United says it is committed ...

America Hit Rock Bottom In 2022
Hit bottom, keeps digging.

The decent and civilized among us are shouting into the void. What's it going to take?

The Year America’s Basic Systems Started To Crumble

By: Christopher Bedford, The Federalist, February 7, 2023:

Chaos ...

Biden’s State Department Offers ‘Free Speech’ Grants Only to Anti-Free Speech Leftists
I have been a free speech activist for well over decade and have suffered the slings and arrows of those working furiously to shut down the first amendment. My colleagues and myself have received no funding save from private individuals like my ...

Communist-Chinese Tied Companies Buying U.S. Military Academies, Including One Trump Attended
The Chinese Intelligence operating in the real estate industry purchasing properties close to USA military installations.

In addition:

Ownership of U.S. farmland by Chinese nationals has risen significantly in the last decade and amounted ...

Majority of MIT Students Support Shouting Down speakers or Even Physically Blocking Access to Them
The similarities to Hitler Youth are jarring….

There is something terribly, horribly wrong with America's once great colleges and universities and its destroyed whole generations.

The MIT survey found a majority students believe that it ...

LEAKED VIDEO from Inside Sub-Human DC Gulag Where January 6th Patriots Are Imprisoned
This terrible, horrible political abuse of absolute power has been going on for years. Thousands have been investigated. Close to a thousand patriotic Americans have been charged for exercising their Constitutional right to freedom of expression, ...

OFFICIAL DATA: No Global Warming Per NASA Satellite Data
The New Climate Pause lengthens again: 101 months and counting …

“Climate change” is biggest political fraud in human history. It’s a propaganda weapon of war destroying industry, livelihood, energy sectors and whole countries.

It's ...

Bringing Ahlam Al-Tamimi to Justice
Ahlam Al-Tamimi is the Palestinian terrorist who masterminded the suicide bombing at the Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem in 2001, killing 15 people and injuring 130 wounded. Two of the dead were American citizens. Tamimi now lives in Jordan, where she ...
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