Dear John,
So much has happened already this year.
Remember Jacinda Ardern? She celebrated a record -
breaking election victory two years ago but fled before the electorate
could deliver its verdict later this year.
Then the start of year was disrupted by severe flooding
across Auckland. Parts of the Epsom electorate were heavily
hit, the cliffs around Parnell and Remuera, the low-lying areas of
Epsom, especially around Gillies Ave and parts of Balmoral Road.
While most of us emerged largely unscathed, some families and
businesses face weeks and months of grind to restore things; some have
lost their houses. We will be watching closely to ensure that people
get the help they need and that lessons have been learned. My office
remains available for any who need assistance.

Mr Fixit
Reshuffles followed as Chris Hipkins tried to give the impression
of change, while also trying to defend his record and present
stability. That would always prove tricky. If I hear another
reference to Mr Fixit, I think I’ll scream. Hipkins
has been Minister of Education for five years: over half of kids don’t
attend school regularly and two thirds of year 10 students cannot pass
basic numeracy and literacy benchmarks. As Covid minister he forgot to
get around to ordering vaccines, plunging Auckland into an unnecessary
second lockdown. As Public Services Minister he’s presided over an
explosion in both Wellington civil servants and external
consultants. And, finally, as Minister of Police he oversaw a 500%
increase in ram-raiders, who were safe in the knowledge there will be
few consequences. New Zealand needs less spin and more
delivery. On the last point, as Chris Luxon announced late last
year, under a National government serious repeat youth offenders will
be off to military academies. The
pat-them-on-the-head-and-we’ll-see-you-again-next-weekend approach to
youth justice can’t continue.
Waitangi Day

Waitangi celebrations followed. I joined Chris Luxon, Nicola
Willis, Shane Reti and many of our team in what was mostly a positive
engagement. We heard the usual stuff from Hipkins, that any
questioning of his government’s co-governance agenda is
divisive, even racist. It’s disappointing the new Prime
Minister is adopting the approach of the old one – failing to explain
clearly his intentions around important constitutional matters while
attempting to shut down any debate by lazily claiming that it’s
divisive to ask basic questions.
Chris Luxon would have none of that nonsense. A National
government will govern for all New Zealanders, equally.
My drive up to Waitangi was instructive. I’ve never encountered so
many dangerous potholes, bumps and scree on the roads. Tens of
millions have been spent on stringing wires up on the side of the
road, in the name of safety, but the basic task of maintaining
State Highway 1 has been neglected. It’s a classic example
of the muddle-headedness of this government.
The extension of the motorway north, which Labour famously
dismissed as the ‘holiday highway’, has been scandalously slow to
open. It’s amazing, after five years the only new roads to open
have been the ones started by National. Nothing else has happened.
I drove through the Waterview Tunnel this morning and reflected that
if Michael Wood and Labour had been in power that would never have
been built. We’d still be crawling down Manukau Road home from the
New Zealand needs a Government that has sensible transport
priorities and can deliver on them.
Meanwhile, feedback on the street is consistent that the number one
issue worrying Kiwis is the cost of living. Hipkins’
response has been to keep putting fuel on the fire by extending, yet
again, the fuel subsidies. Grant Robertson still talks about targeted
spending, while billionaires filling up their Porsche Cayennes get the
same subsidy as anyone else. It’s band-aid economics.
What’s needed is National’s five-point inflation fighting plan –
restoring discipline to government spending, ceasing to add
unnecessary costs to businesses, reducing bottlenecks in the economy
that are holding back productive growth, providing income relief to
Kiwis by adjusting tax thresholds and focusing the Reserve Bank on its
Finally, Hipkins has promised to jettison a few unpopular
policies. Goodness. Where would he start? The slow tram down
Dominion Road, Three Waters, TVNZ-RNZ merger, Fair Pay Agreements, the
monomaniacal speed limit reductions, the Jobs Tax?
In my area, Justice Minister Kiri Allan should be asking her leader
to drop Labour’s hate speech legislation so she can
prioritise more pressing issues. When violent crime has increased by
nearly 40 per cent, when the ram raids carry on largely unchecked and
when Kiwis continue to face unacceptably long delays in the courts,
any sensible Justice Minister would focus on effective responses to
those challenges.
Hate speech legislation by contrast is not needed. It will
unnecessarily narrow free speech and expression in our country, while
distracting Ministry of Justice officials and the sector from the far
more pressing tasks they face.
Parliament is still a week away from resuming, but you can be sure
we will be taking the fight to Labour this year. The country needs a
genuine change in direction and a leader who can actually get things

In Epsom
For those interested, Simeon Brown and I will be holding a public
meeting on Monday 20th March at 7 p.m. at the Remuera
Bowling Club, 6 Market Road, Remuera. We will be discussing Speed