News from Representative Himes

Dear Friends,

Tonight, President Biden will address a joint session of Congress to deliver his 2023 State of the Union. I’m looking forward to hearing the President discuss the pressing issues facing our country today and his agenda for the coming year.

The list of accomplishments from these past two years is dramatic: a once-in-a-generation infrastructure investment, a sweeping plan to address climate change, a $35 insulin cap for Americans on Medicare, and improved health care for veterans.

Many of these landmark accomplishments were done in a bipartisan fashion. From the CHIPS and Science Act, which strengthened our domestic semiconductor manufacturing capabilities, to the first gun safety bill in 30 years, there have been some truly remarkable wins for our country.  

The work is far from finished, and I expect President Biden to lay out his vision for ways our government can continue delivering relief for the American people. One of the priorities I hope to hear more on is improving access to early childhood education, which is why I invited the CEO of Children’s Learning Centers of Fairfield County, Marc Jaffe, to be my guest for this year’s State of the Union.


As the Chairman of the Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth, I heard from countless Americans who need more financial, academic, and emotional support for their children, and in the Committee’s final report we found a direct correlation between family income and access to early childhood education. Study after study has shown that investment in early childhood education not only leads to a large return on investment at the individual level but creates long-term benefits for the economy as a whole. Increased access to early schooling is not only a moral obligation, it is good fiscal practice.

If you want to share your reaction to President Biden’s speech afterwards or ask me a question, you can submit one on my Instagram page tonight. I’ll be answering your State of the Union related questions tomorrow morning.

I hope you’ll tune in at 9 pm tonight as President Biden delivers the 2023 State of the Union.



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