We cannot afford to sit back while our most fundamental right is threatened.
AZ Dems

The fundamental agreement in a functioning democracy is that voters have the power to choose their politicians – not the other way around.

Yet for decades, politicians have manipulated district lines to benefit themselves and their political party while stifling the voice of their constituents.

NPR recently reported on Thomas Hofeller – a prominent Republican redistricting strategist – and the damning evidence of calculated GOP gerrymandering that has come to light since his passing. His own daughter acknowledges that her father’s goal was to "create a system wherein the Republican nominee would win."

The NPR article also reveals that Hofeller worked on political maps in states across the country – including in Arizona. 

We cannot afford to sit back while our most basic right is threatened. Will you join us in taking a stand against gerrymandering by signing our petition?

It’s time to end gerrymandering and set up independent, nonpartisan committees to draw legislative districts. Only then can we ensure that every voice holds the same weight in our elections.

Arizona Democrats


Paid for by the Arizona Democratic Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Rick McGuire Treasurer. www.azdem.org

Arizona Democratic Party
2910 North Central Ave
Phoenix AZ 85012 United States

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