Dear friend,

Kathy and I just returned from a trip to DC where we met with a variety of progressive groups about supporting Kathy’s campaign for Congress in MO-08. 

We told these groups about the dire state of the district - the five rural hospitals that have closed, the high infant/maternal mortality rates, the painful opioid crisis that plagues many of our communities, and the need for urgent change.

But we also told them about hope: the nine standing-room-only town halls we held in 2019, the hundreds of volunteers throughout the entire region, the 1400+ small-dollar donors, and the stories of folks in each corner of the district who are meeting their neighbors and finding Democrats everywhere they can.

When we told them this, DC was blown away. What we learned is that nationally, groups are looking at Missouri as an example of what goes wrong when we have corrupt elected officials, like Jason Smith, chipping away at the rights of working people. And they were amazed at the incredible organizing work that we’re doing in MO-08. We told them that with the right resources, we can win, and they agreed.

We have a strong plan for 2020, and we’re building a campaign that can flip MO-08 and move our state - and country - forward. But we need your support - of all kinds - to make it happen. 

So, here’s how you can help:

Thank you - for your support, your friendship, and for getting us here.



Taylor, Campaign Manager

Please mail checks to:
Ellis for Congress,
PO Box 580
Festus, MO 63028
[email protected]
