![]() “We think our inflation is a
little bit lower than we’d like it to be.” Dear Fellow Patriot, My jaw almost hit the floor when I read Fed Chair Jerome Powell claim that inflation was low, just days after the Fed embarked its latest money printing binge last fall, pouring $100 billion into the "repo" markets virtually every week since! As a result of their print-now-ask questions later policy, the Fed’s bailout sheet now stands at $4.17 trillion! For perspective – the entire annual federal budget is “ONLY” $4 trillion! What planet are Fed banksters living on? From food to energy, to healthcare, to even sports and entertainment, the cost of nearly everything has risen steeply over the last decade. Fed pumping since the last Great Recession has blown up an asset bubble in stock and debt markets larger than anything ever seen in history. That may not be so bad if it was only financial markets where prices were climbing – although as a Wall Street Journal headline proclaimed last week, “percentage of listed companies in the red is close to 40%.” As for the Fed’s “repo” bailouts, NO ONE—neither the American public nor the Swamp—has any idea what the TRILLIONS are paying for, what banks and Wall Street firms are gobbling up, when the spending BOONDOOGLE will end, or the ultimate devastation it will wreak on the American economy. Who’s gobbling up all this money? The Fed won’t tell you and me, and they won’t tell members of Congress. And they don’t have to – unless you and I pass my Audit the Fed bill to shine a spotlight on the Fed’s actions and cut through the darkness they use to cover their actions from the public eye. That’s why it’s absolutely vital you sign the Audit the Fed petition I’ve prepared for you insisting that your U.S. Representative cosponsors H.R. 24, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. The truth is, you and I can only guess where ALL those TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars go (and taxpayers ALWAYS foot the bill in the end) the Fed has printed out of thin air. But we can be certain of a few things. . . The Fed’s money printing is behind the massive government spending black hole that has driven the national deficit over $23 trillion. The effects on the coming generation is the most disgraceful part of all of it. College tuition increases are saddling them with massive student loan debts on top of the tax bills they’ll pay from the glut of Big Government spending that began before they were born. That’s why I designed H.R. 24 to remove restrictions on Congress’ ability to know what the Federal Reserve is doing to our money. Without the ability to conduct a full and thorough audit of the Federal Reserve, politicians are just fumbling around in the dark in their oversight role. And with their vast power, the unelected, unaccountable, and secretive Federal Reserve holds our economic fates in their hands – as well as our nation’s political future. Worse, with Fed policies mean when the economy veers off track, it’s toward total collapse – perhaps one even worse than the last financial crisis of 2008. It’s never been more important that you and I expose the Federal Reserve NOW, before it’s too late. Or else every last shred of American wealth could be wiped out. The good news is, thanks to the action of good folks like you, signing your “AUDIT THE FED NOW!” petitions, we’re building momentum. But the fact is, we have to do more. And FAST. So if you haven’t already signed your petition, please do so -- it is absolutely critical to our efforts to pass Audit the Fed. But I hope you won’t stop there. Please share this message with your friends and family and encourage them to sign the petition and demand their U.S. Representative cosponsor H.R. 24 as well. I truly believe we can finally Audit the Fed and hold off the financial disaster that’s headed our way. But only with your help! So if possible, I hope you’ll consider pitching in a contribution $10 or more to help Campaign for Liberty kick this vital effort into high gear before Federal Reserve policy results in an economic disaster that wipes out American greatness. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman |