The Race Forward team is holding that it has been a difficult few weeks as we’ve witnessed the murder of Tyre Nichols, another young, Black man, at the hands of police, this time in Memphis. The frequency of deaths by police for Black and Brown people reminds us of how important our work is, as we know the system of policing in this country is racist and devoid of humanity.
Race Forward released a statement which included these powerful words from Race Forward’s Chief of Staff, Charlene Sinclair :
“Race Forward works to dismantle systems of inequity because we know racism is structured not only through skin color and ethnicity, but also through systems and structures of power. In this country, racist power within policing allows those in these systems to make life-and-death decisions. These systems create environments of terror, violence, and oppression against Black people and people of color. When trauma and tragedy such as the killing of Tyre Nichols occurs, we must not only challenge person-to-person racism, but also the racism that is embedded within structures and systems.”
As we continue to face these difficult moments, we know that we cannot do it by ourselves. We must continue to practice love and rigor to face the challenge of changing centuries of oppressive systems in this country so that our communities can live and prosper.