The State of the Union is tomorrow, and we’re gathering signatures to send a clear message to anti-voter lawmakers that we want democracy and voting rights to be a national priority.  

If you’re anything like us, you’ll be tuning in to tomorrow’s State of the Union address (with popcorn, of course 🍿). It’s our annual opportunity to hear directly from President Biden about what the administration has achieved and what their major priorities are for the year ahead.

Here’s the topic we deserve to hear more about: democracy and voting rights. While extremists continue to introduce severe anti-voter policies across the country, the threat to democracy is more present than ever — and we hope that President Biden covers this important topic so even more Americans are aware of the injustices many experience on the way to the ballot box.

At Fair Fight Action, we know all too well that without a functioning democracy and elections system, making progress on any of these other vital issues simply isn’t possible. And until Congress passes federal democracy and voting rights protections, bad actors in state and local governments will continue to pass laws that undermine our democracy and silence our voices. That’s why we need sweeping, national change.

Add your name to show that local activists across the country are demanding that democracy and voting rights become a national priority once again:


Thanks for everything,

The Fair Fight Action Team