- The nation had 7.8 million energy-related jobs in 2021, with energy-efficiency jobs employing the most people: 2.2 million. These jobs included providing insulation, improving natural lighting, and manufacturing Energy Star products.
- The federal government spent $36.6 billion on infrastructure in 2022 and transferred another $94.5 billion to states.
Use the State of the Union in Numbers for nonpartisan facts to answer such questions as: How much does the United States spend on immigration and border security? Who in America has a college degree? How is the Federal Reserve curbing inflation? This report is a data-centric tool both for the big speech and informing your conversations year-round.
Data behind the news
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Biden met last week to discuss the country’s debt limit. The debt ceiling will likely come up in the president’s address tomorrow — here’s an updated explanation of the issue.
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One last fact