The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected our country. Educators and support staff are on the frontlines, helping students and families heal from this trauma every day.

This challenging task, combined with overcrowded classrooms and insufficient school funding, is pushing many teachers to the breaking point. Around the country, teacher shortages are growing.

Experienced educators are leaving the field in record numbers, citing burnout, low pay, unfavorable working conditions, and lack of access to mental health resources. Teachers are significantly more likely to report symptoms of depression than other adults.

Despite these alarming statistics, there have been very few investments in mental health care for the education workforce. This is an ongoing crisis.

Students need physically, emotionally, and mentally healthy educators to address the academic losses of the last few years and to thrive.

I have just introduced the Supporting the Mental Health of Educators and Staff Act, bipartisan legislation to increase access to critical mental health services for educators and education support professionals.

My bill will require coordination between federal agencies to develop best practices for educator mental health, help to destigmatize mental health care among educators, and provide more direct support to school staff.

When educators thrive, students succeed.

Thank you for standing with me.


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