Equity: Doorways pursues justice and fairness. We make an intentional effort to provide services and support to everyone, especially those in our community who have been marginalized.
Empathy: The Doorways team treats everyone with care. This means being nonjudgmental and being actively present to support our clients. We show concern, understanding, and grace with one another. And it means we have cultural competence, humility, and embrace equity.
Trauma-Informed Care: Our team uses a strengths-based and person-centered approach and is focused on client well-being. We are committed to addressing both current and lasting impacts of past injustices, particularly racial injustices, to ensure everyone can achieve safety and stability.
Collaboration: We take a partnership approach with clients, staff, teams, and community collaborators. The Doorways team embraces opportunities to contribute, work side-by-side, and support each other to serve the common good and achieve our personal best.
Empowerment: We seek to provide clients with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to be self-advocates. Our team trusts and supports clients and survivors to have agency over their lives.
Integrity & Accountability: The Doorways team thrives on always telling the truth, doing what we say we will do, being genuine, and embracing accountability.
Respect: We treat others the way we want to be treated. Our team trusts our clients and elevates dignity and humanity in all we do and how we do it. We cherish and value every team member.