From Entertainment Community Fund <[email protected]>
Subject Alex Dubé Scholarship Program
Date February 6, 2023 4:01 PM
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** Alex Dubé Scholarship Program

** Applications Open February 15

Career Transition For Dancers at the Entertainment Community Fund supports the education of dancers transitioning to new careers.

Named for former dancer, dance advocate and President of Career Transition For Dancers Alex Dubé, the Alex Dubé Scholarship Program supports the education of dancers to build their next professional platforms.

Through the Alex Dubé Scholarship Program, eligible dancers enrolled in accredited degree programs can receive up to $10,000 to assist with tuition payment as they take the next step forward in their careers.

Before applying, those interested in the scholarship must attend The Career Center Orientation (Monday ([link removed]) or Wednesday ([link removed]) session, by March 29) and consult with an Entertainment Community Fund Career Counselor to discuss their education plan and career goals (consultation must occur before April 1 and after applicant has attended The Career Center Orientation).

Applications will be accepted from February 15 through April 15.

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to help those in need in performing arts and entertainment.

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