Dear Patriot, the Liberal Media just launched a hit piece firestorm on Ron DeSantis that could jeopardize his potential run for President.Take a look at these recent headlines from the NY Times:Can Ron DeSantis Avoid Meeting the Press?Republicans Are Getting It Wrong About DeSantis and
Ron DeSantis is an Optical Illusion
Ron DeSantis needs to see that even through dozens of hit pieces a day, he still has a nationwide grassroots army of supporters behind him - will you join this movement today?
To show Ron DeSantis the overwhelming support he needs to combat the media firestorm, please rush a $25 or more contribution to READY FOR RON today.
Ready for Ron is a grassroots movement of patriots with the mission to show Ron DeSantis that the nationwide support for his potential Presidential run is historic - regardless how far the Liberal Media goes to smear his name, attack him, and silence him.Years ago, the media was run by real
journalists who wanted to write the truth.
These days, you couldn't find a single "journalist" in a newsroom!The liberal activists in the media are bent on smearing Ron DeSantis and making him look as bad as possible.But patriots like you and me know that they're only attacking him because they know support for him couldn't be stronger!
Will you help me put up numbers to prove that Ron DeSantis' support base is massive?
A $25 or more donation to READY FOR RON will help us do that just that by supporting our efforts to launch Pro-DeSantis advertisements, collect 1,000,000 signatures in favor of his Presidential run, and defend his name against these smear headlines.
Any amount you can send today will be a huge help - just please give today, if you can.
DONATE $1000
Thank you for supporting Ron DeSantis!Sincerely,Ready for Ron
Ready for Ron is a grassroots effort dedicated to drafting Ron DeSantis for President in 2024. Your support is critical to making sure this effort succeeds in order to get America back on track.
Our efforts depend on the support of America-First patriots like you. So if you'd like to donate, please go here to donate today. Thank you.
For inquiries, please call: (561) 291-9897. To view the full petition text, please visit: [link removed] By signing this petition and providing your information, you are requesting to have Ready for Ron provide it to Governor DeSantis. Use of the name and likeness of any
candidate or officeholder is for the purpose of this PACs political communication only and IN NO WAY indicates any authorization by, affiliation with, direction from, or endorsement by that person of any kind.
Contributions or gifts to the Ready for Ron are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes and will be used in connection with federal elections.
Contributions from federal government contractors, national banks, or foreign nationals or entities are prohibited. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a
calendar year. By submitting the form above, you certify the following statements are true and accurate: 1. This contribution is made from your personal funds, not from the general treasury funds of a corporation, union, or national bank, and will not be reimbursed by another person or entity;
2. This contribution is made by a U.S. citizen, lawfully admitted permanent U.S. resident (i.e. Green Card holder), and not a foreign national or entity, federal government contractor, or national bank; and 3. Contributions from individuals up to $5,000 per year are designated to the RFR
candidate contribution account, and any amount in excess of $5,000 per year is designated to the RFR Carey account.
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