From SEEC PAC <>
Subject Matt Gaetz: “Drill, baby, drill — unless it’s in my backyard”
Date February 5, 2023 6:14 PM
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John, we just had to do a double-take.

Last week in a strange turn of events, Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz asked his House colleagues to block oil drilling off of Florida’s coasts.

We get it: This sounds like a good thing. And in theory, it is. But don’t be fooled — we see right through Gaetz’s actual motives here.

See, Matt Gaetz and the majority of his Republican colleagues have historically supported drilling on federal lands and waters. His latest request isn’t a sudden change of heart — it’s a classic case of NIMBYism (a.k.a. “not in my own backyard” syndrome).

Our SEEC Members know that the fight to end aggressive oil drilling can’t be a one-and-done issue. That’s why they’re fighting to protect coastlines, beaches, and federal lands in all 50 states, not just the ones that score them the most brownie points. Will you support their work by making a contribution of any amount to help us kick start SEEC’s efforts this month? [[link removed]]

SUPPORT OUR SEEC MEMBERS » [[link removed]]Gaetz and his colleagues have already proven they’d support this exact type of drilling elsewhere. Case in point? They’ve spent the last two years criticizing President Biden’s limits on fossil fuel production to fight climate change.

This is hypocrisy at its finest. GOP members like Matt Gaetz can’t stand on a soapbox decrying the devastating impacts of fossil fuel drilling when it exclusively impacts their states and expect to get a pat on the back for it. As federal officials, they need to make sure we’re finding solutions to phase out this invasive drilling in all U.S. waters.

John, the reality is that fighting for our climate isn’t always the popular thing to do in Washington — but our SEEC Members know it’s always the right one.

Right now, they’re playing a whack-a-mole game with the GOP, and we know that this request to end drilling in Florida will only inspire a new request to dig in elsewhere. Help make sure our Members are able to take on Big Oil and their mouthpieces in Congress by chipping in today: [[link removed]]

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Thanks for your help, John.

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Thanks to your help in 2022, SEEC PAC was able to re-elect over 95% of our pro-environment members to the U.S. House of Representatives — defying the odds on a night where Democrats lost seats. Now we are counting on you to help our SEEC members pass climate, clean energy and environmental justice policies in the 118th Congress while we continue fighting for a sustainable future. But if you'd like to receive fewer emails, we understand. You can click here [[link removed]] to only get our most important messages, or you can unsubscribe: [link removed] .
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The Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition Political Action Committee (SEEC PAC) is an organization that supports members in the U.S. House of Representatives and candidates who fight for clean energy, climate change solutions, environmental justice, and protection of our nation’s clean air, water, wildlife, and public lands. Will you make a donation to our fight today? [[link removed]]
Paid for and authorized by the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition Political Action Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition Political Action Committee
10 E Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
United States
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