[[link removed]]Picture this: a vibrant jungle teeming with life. Monkeys swing through the
trees. Colorful birds sing from high branches. On the jungle floor, a critically
endangered orangutan carries her baby when… CRACK! One of the rainforest’s great trees collapses with a resounding BANG! More begin to topple around the terrified creature. Greedy corporations are
DESTROYING rainforests for profit. Take immediate action!
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Giant investment firm BlackRock puts MASSIVE AMOUNTS of MONEY into companies
that wreak terror in some of the world’s last great rainforests. These greedy corporations DECIMATE precious habitats to make junk food and
cosmetics. We’re losing rainforests fast -- and with each second that passes BlackRock
funnels more money to deforestation. Please, Friend, SAVE tropical rainforests from
BlackRock-funded destruction by 11:59pm TONIGHT!
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Sign the petition
[[link removed]]Agribusiness is the world’s leading cause of deforestation and the violent land
conflicts that come with it -- and BlackRock is financing some of the worst
companies out there. These companies turn ecosystems stewarded by local communities into wastelands
of stumps, and then into vast industrial palm oil plantations. And to steal the
BlackRock wields $10 TRILLION in assets. It could use that influence for good instead of funding human rights
abuses and ecosystem collapse. But BlackRock won’t stop funding deforestation without your action. Friend, help us reach our goal of 87 signatures from
your city and tell Blackrock: STOP FUNDING HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES
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Sign the petition
[[link removed]]Standing with you,
Jeff Conant
Senior international forests program manager,
Friends of the Earth
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