Comrades, we are so close to getting TCDSA member and endorsed candidate Sonia Neculescu into the MN State House. The chapter has been doing canvasses, phone and text banking, and internal voter ID over the past week in addition to contributing to the campaign’s official events. In the meantime, Sonia has been getting endorsements from no less than Raymond Dehn, Aisha Gomez, and Ilhan Omar!


The primary election is this Tuesday, January 21. Here’s what we need now to make it over the finish line:

Volunteer for a Get Out the Vote (GOTV) shift

This race will be decided by a shockingly small number of votes and we need to make sure that everyone who has committed to vote makes it out to the polls. Door knocking, phone and text banking will all be required.


We’re going to win against better funded candidates by getting a whole lotta volunteers to talk to more people than other campaigns. Sign up to volunteer here.

Vote if you live in the district!

60A includes NE Minneapolis and parts of Como. Make sure to get out to vote on Tuesday and tell 1-2 of your friends and neighbors to do the same. Again, it will be a really, really small number of votes that makes a difference on Tuesday, January 21. Find your polling place here.

Give Sonia a few bucks if you are able

More cash means more text messages, phone calls and mailings. You can donate directly to the campaign here.

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Twin Cities Chapter DSA · PO Box 6554 · Minneapolis, MN 55406 · USA