Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are introducing the Social Security Expansion Act of 2023 soon.
The Expansion Act doesn’t just expand benefits―it maintains the Social Security trust fund’s surplus for decades into the future.
Republicans are still dead-set on cutting our Social Security benefits. Just this week, 2024 presidential hopeful Mike Pence unveiled a plan to privatize Social Security, and Republicans are still floating ideas like raising the retirement age as payment for preventing a credit default for our country.
The best defense is a good offense. When Republican enemies of Social Security insist that we have no choice but to cut benefits, the Social Security Expansion Act proves them wrong. Donate $7 To EXPAND Social Security and Medicare!
When Social Security Works was founded, the conventional wisdom in DC was “everyone knows we’re going to cut Social Security, the only question is by how much.” The extreme left position in Congress was Bernie Sanders’s “no cuts” resolution.
Today, a decade later, we have changed the conversation. Republicans are still catching up, but the American people are with us. 82% of voters want Congress to increase Social Security benefits.
We’ve built a powerful movement, and we’re not slowing down. We will never let Republicans destroy Social Security and Medicare. We will fight to make sure that they are expanded, and we won’t let enemies of our earned benefits hide behind weasel words. Donate $7 to EXPAND Social Security and Medicare!
Michael Phelan Social Security Works