Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles

Friend --

At the DSA-LA convention on October 19, 2019, the DSA-LA general assembly endorsed a resolution titled “Organizing for All.” The resolution called for the chapter to improve “DSA-LA’s internal capacity to engage and develop a membership that reflects the working class of Los Angeles, with a focus on fostering an inclusive and accessible organizing space.” The types of improvements encouraged included, but were not limited, to expanding the accessibility to DSA-LA spaces for people with disabilities and families, women, and queer socialists; building the chapter’s ability to communicate bilingually and cross-culturally (especially among and within the Latinx population of Los Angeles, an underrepresented group within DSA-LA); increasing the representation of other non-white members in DSA-LA; and ultimately growing DSA-LA by adding a branch of the organization in South Los Angeles.

In accordance with the requirements of the resolution, a task force was convened, including representatives from the following committees and subgroups within DSA-LA:

  • steering
  • agit-prop
  • membership
  • mutual aid
  • political education
  • the current branch leadership (Central, Valley, and Westside).

In keeping with the overall democratic goals of DSA-LA, each of these various subgroups was charged with producing a workplan before 2020. In February 2020, the workplans would be presented to the general membership for approval and then would be used as road maps or guiding documents in the coming year in order to implement successfully the requirements of the original resolution.

The following document contains the five workplans that have been compiled so far in this order:

  1. Steering
  2. Membership
  3. Mutual Aid
  4. Political Education
  5. General Branch Organizing




All workplans are presented as DRAFTS and will receive an update before the end of January 2020 in order to contain more consistent formatting. The underlying goals and contents of the documents will not change. A work plan for the Agit-Prop Committee is still outstanding. If you are an Agit-Prop or Valley member who like to contribute to those workplans, please contact [email protected] -- along with any other input, comments, and suggestions. Your input is valued as much as it is appreciated!

In solidarity,

Your Organizing For All Taskforce


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