President Trump continues to break records, keeping America great...just like he promised!
Despite incessant roadblocks, negative liberal media, and unconstitutional haranguing by Democrats, Trump has managed to push through:
- Across the board tax cuts
- Wiping ISIS off the face of the earth
- Rebuilding the wall on the border
- Recording-setting economic growth
- Making our military the strongest in the world...again!
You won't hear ANY of this from the mainstream, liberal media, but it's all FACT.
President Trump couldn't care less about their opinion, but he DOES WANT YOURS!
That's why I need you to take our Tea Party Flash Poll on President Trump's job performance; let him know what you think of all he's done so far!
How has President Trump been doing so far?
Don't let the final poll be sent to President Trump with your input. Take the flash poll now!>>>
Steve Eichler,