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There was a full house for the Idaho Town Hall meeting, with over 300 people in attendance! Thank you to Regional Director Catherine Zemanek and her team for making this happen!
There's a lot of buzz happening in legislatures all over the country! Stay in the know about the status of our Article V application in your state by checking out the progress map!
View the Progress Map Here
Happy anniversary! The COS Resolution officially passed in Tennessee on February 4, 2016. The efforts of our grassroots in Tennessee and all over the nation do not go unnoticed! It is because of YOU that we are able to make these strides towards an Article V Convention of States.
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As we transition to new software, note that emails might be more frequent than usual. We are currently working on transitioning email service providers, and you can expect to begin receiving emails from the sender [email protected] shortly if you haven't already.

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We greatly appreciate your help as we fight back against big tech censorship!

‘Muzzling conservative voices’; Newsmax CENSORED, Trump, DeSantis come to the defense

Last week, AT&T’s DirecTV dropped Newsmax from live TV in a shocking display of bias and suppression. Newsmax is a great distributor of information about Convention of States, not to mention a popular alternative to the mainstream media. DirecTV alleged that the popular conservative network was unprofitable, but Newsmax retorted that this is a blatant attempt to silence those who oppose the corrupt political establishment.

Several elected officials warned that DirecTV’s actions against “disfavored speech” constitute political censorship. “DirecTV’s decision follows recent revelations of collusion between Big Tech companies and Democrat officials to label conservative speech as ‘misinformation’ and censor it,” wrote several U.S senators in a letter provided exclusively to The Hill. “The silencing of conservative speech at the request of government officials is a direct assault on free speech and a threat to democracy.”

Newsmax suggested that DirecTV’s censorship may be an attempt to skew news coverage in favor of establishment media outlets with left-leaning biases in advance of the 2024 presidential election.

Continue Reading & Sign the Petition to Stop Censorship!
Astonishing polls prove the people are uniting against government overreach
Foremost Article V expert DEBUNKS ‘runaway Convention’ myth
Feds allow Chinese spy balloon to continue flying over American soil
Sign the Petition to Call for a Convention of States!

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Convention of States Action ¡ 5850 San Felipe Street ¡ Suite 580A ¡ Houston, TX 77057 ¡ USA