under attack

Dear John,

For far too long, the gun lobby has used its money and influence to stall progress to prevent gun violence. That must end. Tomorrow, we’re hosting a presidential forum to hear from Democratic candidates about how they will create a democracy that works for all of us. Will you set a reminder to tune in via livestream at 4 p.m. ET tomorrow?

Presidential Forum: #WeThePeople2020
Live Stream Available Here
(Click “get notified” to add a calendar reminder to watch tomorrow!)

 Watch live at 4 p.m. ET/1 p.m. PT tomorrow (Sunday, January 19)

We’re hosting the presidential forum along with Common Cause, End Citizens United, MoveOn.org, NAACP, People for the American Way, Progress Iowa, and Public Citizen. We hope you can join us tomorrow (and tell your friends!) about this important event. 

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Will You Pledge to Stand in Support of Gun Safety Laws?

So called "Second Amendment sanctuaries" — a trend gaining momentum in Virginia and states across the country — are a backlash by extremists to common-sense gun safety laws.

The reality? The Second Amendment is NOT under threat. 

✅ None of the gun safety bills in Virginia threaten the ability of law-abiding gun owners to purchase, possess or use weapons responsibly.

✅ Common-sense gun safety laws do NOT interfere with the rights of gun owners — but they DO keep guns out of the hands of those who cannot or should not possess them. 

✅ These evidence-based, common-sense laws will save lives.

ADD YOUR NAME: Pledge to speak out in support of gun safety laws!

BOTTOM LINE: The Second Amendment is NOT under threat — and efforts to purposefully mislead the public are reckless, dangerous, and undemocratic. We need to make our voices heard and let extremists know we will stand in support of gun safety. Sign our pledge now to show you stand with us!



Brady Testifies in Support of Common-Sense Gun Laws in California and Maryland

This week, Brady California members testified before the California Assembly Education Committee in support of safe storage — and we were victorious! The committee unanimously passed a common-sense bill that will educate parents about the safe storage of firearms. Given approximately 4.6 million children live in homes with access to an unlocked or unsupervised gun, this legislation will save lives — both at home and at school. 

In Maryland, Christa Nicols, Legal Counsel for Policy at Brady, testified before the Baltimore County Council in support of the Secure All Firearms Effectively (SAFE) Act. Over recent years, at least seven gun shops in Baltimore County were burglarized. In one case, more than 50 guns were stolen. When firearms are stolen, they often end up in the hands of those who are prohibited from purchasing firearms legally. The SAFE Act is a first-of-its-kind bill that would ensure licensed dealers implement effective security measures to prevent gun theft.

In Baltimore, Brady national staff (L-R) Tess Fardon, Christa Nicols, and Kelsey Rogers. In California, (L-R) Peggy McCrum, Brady Long Beach Pres.; Shikha Hamilton, Brady Organizing Manager; Ayla; Amanda Wilcox, Brady California Legislative & Policy Chair; Donna Finkelstein, Brady San Fernando Valley member; and Mindy Finkelstein Rieger, past President of Brady San Francisco. 

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Apply for Team ENOUGH Youth-Led Lobbying Collectives!

We’re calling on all youth activists in Tallahassee, Florida, and Northern California to join our new Team ENOUGH lobbying collectives! This is a one-of-a-kind program that trains young people (ages 13-26) on how to effectively lobby their lawmakers. Applications are due Sunday, January 26. Apply now!

Please share our application on social media to help us spread the word to young people you know!

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Team ENOUGH lobby collective members with Rep. LevinLast session, members of Team ENOUGH x MFOLDC's lobbying collective met with Rep. Mike Levin to discuss repealing The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), a harmful law that gives special protections to the gun industry.

New Research Shows the Importance of Ending Family Fire

A new study of participants at safety events in Washington state teaches us important information about how some gun owners are storing their firearms. Key findings include —

These findings demonstrate the lifesaving importance of continuing to encourage gun owners to store their firearms safety to prevent Family Fire. Learn more about how our End Family Fire program teaches gun owners and non-gun owners alike about safe storage practices Still looking for a new podcast for 2020? Listen and subscribe to our podcast, Red, Blue, and Brady!

🎧 History in the Making: Virginia
Brady President and Virginia native Kris Brown talks with Lori Haas, Virginia state director at the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV), about gun violence prevention legislation in Virginia. Listen now.

🎧 It's a Matter of Faith
A Bishop, a Rabbi, and an Imam come on a podcast...No, it's not a joke, it's an amazing conversation! We talk with retired Bishop Mark Beckwith, the Rabbi Matthew Gewirtz, and Imam W. Deen Shareef about the role of faith in gun violence prevention, arming religious institutions, and more. Listen now.

What Did 2019 Tell us About Gun Safety in D.C.? We Can Do Better

Gun violence in our nation’s capital is an epidemic. Washington, D.C., ended 2019 with the highest homicide rate in more than a decade. All together, homicide claimed 327 lives between 2018 and 2019. That’s about equivalent to a plane crash a year, and that’s not OK. 

So, how can 2020 be different? We could start with funding, promoting, and supporting community-based intervention programs.
Read our Medium article about the solutions we need now!

Eminem music video calls for gun reform

This week, rap artist Eminem dropped a new music video that addresses gun violence. The video is a difficult watch. The ultimate message — a call for gun reform — is important, but viewers should be aware the content is graphic, and portions are presented from the perspective of the shooter. Read more.GVP hero of the WeekThis week, Cory Booker dropped out of the race for U.S. President. Throughout the race, he has been an ardent champion for gun safety, and his voice will be missed.

"Thank you to @CoryBooker for running on one of the strongest gun safety platforms ever in the race for U.S. President. He stood up to the gun lobby. He centered communities of color. He fought for us. We know he’ll keep fighting in the Senate. #EndGunViolence" 


Second Amendment Sanctuaries, Explained, The Trace

Citing threats, Virginia bans weapons from gun rights rally, NBC News

Iowa Forum Will Spotlight Presidential Candidates’ Plans To Fix Democracy, Huffington Post

School-Sent Firearm Storage Material Bill Passes Assembly Committee, California GlobeQuote of the Week
“On the day set aside to mark the legacy of Dr. King, it is appalling that any American would threaten violence and use hateful language. We must be heartened in remembering Dr. King’s example that we must live together as brothers. At Brady, we will continue to take action, not sides, and work with all Americans to ensure a safe future for all of us.”

— Brady President Kris Brown on canceling Monday's 28th Annual MLK Lobby Day in Virginia in response to threats of violence



Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States


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