What's New @CPUSA.ORG



Dear John,


Have you paid your dues? Click here to help build the party in 2023!

Check out the new articles and video from the CPUSA website:


It’s going to take a mass movement: Read Joe Sims’ full report to the CPUSA National Committee on January 14th. Building the working-class and democratic movements — and building the party — remain key to fighting the fascist danger.


Good morning, revolution! (video): France is on the move! Hear from special guest Sahlia Boussedra, editor of the French Communist Party's journal, speak on the uprising of the French workers fighting against Macron's anti-worker pension reform. Plus, Biden pushes to end emergency COVID provisions, and the movement to end police crimes and terror continues.


Justice for Tyre Nichols and all victims of police crimes: Community control of police is vital to ending police crimes and terror.


Philip Foner’s The Great Depression 1929 – 1932: A review: The William Z Foster -led Trade Union Unity League played an important role and helped initiate the campaign that led to unemployment insurance.


2022 a banner year for the CP in Columbus: 2022 was a year of action and growth for the CP in Columbus.


A grassroots alternative to Twitter: check it out: An alternative social media platform emerges with the potential to put more power in the hands of the people.


In solidarity,

Anita, Joe, Laura, and Cameron

Communist Party USA
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New York, NY 10011
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