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Dear Friend,
Quite rightly, the focus of the media this week has been the
terrible flooding situation in Auckland – for those affected by the
flooding, our thoughts are with you.
It's also been a a busy week in politics. We are delighted that
more than 11,000 of our supporters have written to Chris Hipkins to
tell him which policies they think he should drop using our online
While decisions on Mr. Hipkins's full "policy reset" are still
being made (especially on Three Waters!) – the signs this week suggest
that he is responsive to people power.
Taxpayer Victory: Hipkins extends tax relief at the
pump ⛽💸

You will recall last year that your
humble Taxpayers' Union exposed
Jacinda Ardern and Grant Robertson for their outrageous price
gouging at petrol pumps around the country. While the
Government blamed the Ukraine war for high petrol prices, we pointed
out that more than half the cost of petrol is tax!

Since Grant Robertson announced in
December that the Government planned to hike fuel taxes back up, we
have been campaigning hard to change his mind.
And it worked! Earlier this week, the new Prime Minister
announced that the diesel-road user charges reduction and petrol
excise tax cut would be extended. This will come as a welcome
reprieve to families and businesses who are already struggling with
the cost of living given the record high levels of inflation.
Fact check: Petrol tax is used to pay for roads ⚠️
New Zealand's fuel taxes go into a big pot called
the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF), which was set up to
fund roads maintenance. Opponents of the fuel tax cut argue
that the extension will force non-drivers to subside drivers, but, in
fact, the opposite is true.
Drivers are actually subsiding non-drivers. Under this – and the
last National-led – Government, more and more of the NLTF has
been being spent on public transport, uneconomic rail services,
walking and cycling routes, and even the Road to Zero advertising
campaign. Drivers of electric vehicles do not currently contribute
into the Fund.
Currently, the Government is siphoning off almost a third
of the funding from fuel taxes for pet projects like cycleways and
advertising campaigns!
We are calling on the Government to return the NLTF
to its original purpose – paying for our roads. This would
allow for fuel taxes to be kept lower than they were
before, and still increase investment in our
What's next? 🗳️
The fresh extension lasts until 30 June, which just a few months
out from the election... Will Wellington really hike taxes then?
A new Local Government Minister, a new approach? 💼💦

Whether it is seizing water assets or removing planning powers from
councils, denying ratepayers in Tauranga the right to choose their
local representatives or abolishing district health boards, the
current Government's record on localism is poor.
This week's new cabinet saw a new Local Government Minister
appointed. As was widely expected, brief was removed from Nanaia
Mahuta and handed to Kieran McAnulty. We hope that this new minister
signals a new approach from the Government but remain sceptical.
The first big test will come when the Government announces what it
plans to do with Three Waters in the coming weeks. The current
proposals must be ditched: They will lead to water services that cost
more and that are managed by unelected and unaccountable entities.
But there are viable alternative models of water reform like the
one put forward by "Communities4LocalDemocracy" that would keep
water assets in community control and ensure that they remain
accountable to ratepayers. This proposal already has the
backing of 31 councils and the mayors of our two biggest
If the Government thinks it can get away with a few
cosmetic changes, it should think again – we will oppose any proposal
that does not meet our red lines of ensuring local ownership, control
and accountability while driving efficiency and allowing councils to
opt out of multi-council models in the long term if they do not
deliver for their ratepayers.
Turning taxpayer dollars into
stone 💰🪨

Our research interns scour the public service for examples of
wasteful and excessive government spending. One of the oddest examples
recently has come from Callaghan Innovation. If, like me, you had
never head of this obscure Government agency before, its purpose is to
provide grants to hi-tech businesses to support innovation
Examples of funding awards included $2,000 for a paint brush and
sleeve wash system, $3,000 for the development of a low-calorie,
refreshing, non-alcoholic RTD, and $4,375 for a pre-mixed cava
beverage company. But the prize for sending taxpayer dollars up in
flames has to go to the $5000 grant to a company that will turn the
ashes of a deceased pet or family member into a stone.
The amounts here might be small but the lesson is a simple one. If
these proposals were viable and enough people wanted to buy these
products, they should be able to secure private investment without the
need for Government support. Especially given the current cost of
living crisis, it is difficult to see why this is deemed to be a good
use of taxpayer dollars.
Taxpayer Talk with Peter Williams: Stephen Franks 🎙️

In our first episode of Taxpayer Talk for 2023, Peter
Williams is joined by lawyer Stephen Franks. Stephen is a founding
director of the commercial and public law firm Franks Ogilvie, a
former member of Parliament and spokesperson for the Water Users'
Stephen joins Peter to discuss why the Water Users'
Group, backed by the Taxpayers' Union, is taking a
Government minister to the Court of Appeal and what any alternative
Three Waters legislation might look like. The Government has claimed
that Crown Law told the former Minister for Local Government Nanaia
Mahuta that co-governance of our water services is required under
Treaty of Waitangi. The new Water Services Entities Act means the
country’s water infrastructure will be co-governed by iwi and local
authority representatives, but at what cost to water users?
Listen to the episode | Apple | Spotify | Google Podcasts | iHeart Radio
Thank you for your support.
Yours aye,
Purves Campaigns Manager New Zealand
Taxpayers’ Union.

NZ Herald Prime
Minister Chris Hipkins extends fuel tax cuts, half-price public
transport: ‘It’s been a lot’
Stuff PM
Chris Hipkins set to reverse petrol tax hike, retain half-price public
transport fares TodayFM Tova:
30 January 2023 – Recall Elections
Stuff Deposit
guarantee scheme in place for 2024? Don't bet on
NewstalkZB Morning
Edition: 26 January 2023 - Fuel Taxes
Stuff Could
Three Waters be on the chopping block? Here's what Prime Minister
Chris Hipkins could do
NZ Herald The
Front Page: What to expect from new Prime Minister Chris Hipkins