Her executive budget doesn’t go far enough to include immigrant New Yorkers in her vision for our state.
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This past Wednesday, New York Governor Hochul released her executive budget for FY24. Despite a significant budget surplus, Governor Hochul included extremely limited and insufficient funding for immigrant New Yorkers.
Every New York family deserves a chance to live without fear, and this budget is a letdown for our immigrant communities who need and deserve critical support!
While Governor Hochul’s budget does include marginal increases for the Office for New Americans and immigration legal services, it falls drastically short of what is needed to ensure that New York State welcomes new immigrants with dignity. Without sufficient legal services funding, people face the possibility of permanent separation from their families and communities.
We’re headed to Albany on February 14th to mobilize support to keep New York families together, demanding the inclusion of legal services funding and the Access to Representation Act ([link removed]) in this year’s budget. Register by Tuesday, February 7th at noon for a seat on the bus from NYC, Western New York, Finger Lakes, Central New York, Hudson Valley, Long Island, and the North Country as we advocate for our immigrant communities!
Join Us on the Bus to Albany! ([link removed])
Though Governor Hochul included investments to support the vital needs of asylum seekers in New York City, insufficient legal services funding reduces the tangible and long-term impact for those in need. If people can’t access the help they need to begin their asylum process or have a legal representative in immigration court, they could end up living in the shadows or be ripped from their family and community forever.
Governor Hochul also failed to address the urgent need for expanded health coverage for all New Yorkers regardless of immigration status. As we continue to live with the reverberations of a changing pandemic, this a shocking and cruel omission.
Governor Hochul has a responsibility to provide for all New Yorkers, and use her executive budget to equitably invest in keeping our families together and healthy.
Will you join us ([link removed]) as we demand Governor Hochul remember immigrant New Yorkers in her budget for New York State?
Murad Awawdeh
Executive Director
Join Us on the Bus to Albany! ([link removed])
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