Just two days after we launched, 218 members of Congress have pledged NEVER to cut Social Security or Medicare.
It’s gotten so that even some Republicans are trying to pretend that they’re taking the pledge, even when they're doing no such thing. Like Sen. Josh Hawley:
Josh Hawley
Politicians in both parties should quit using Social Security and Medicare as bargaining chips. I’m introducing legislation to exempt both programs from the debt ceiling. No more scare tactics
It sure sounds like Hawley is rebuking his colleagues like Sen. John Thune, who support using the debt ceiling to cut Social Security and Medicare. But in actuality, the bill Hawley introduced would just make sure that Social Security and Medicare benefits still go out when his party breaches the debt ceiling and creates an economic calamity. And his bill does nothing to protect Social Security and Medicare from cuts as a condition of preventing that calamity.
Republicans are feeling the pressure. Can you sign the petition asking your members of Congress to take the pledge today?
Our lobbying team is following up on every signature with every member of Congress, to let them know that we won’t stand for Social Security and Medicare cuts. When millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share, we can afford to EXPAND benefits for people with Social Security.
Republicans and their paymasters on Wall Street want you to believe that the only solution is to dismantle the Social Security system that generations of Americans have built over the past century. We are not fooled!
We are winning now. But we haven't won yet. We need to keep pushing!
Tell your member of Congress: Take the pledge never to cut Social Security or Medicare!
Alex Lawson Social Security Works
P.S. Already signed the petition? Take the next step by texting PLEDGE to 76021 and calling your member of Congress directly and asking them to sign.