John —
A bully pulpit.
That turn of phrase was coined by President Teddy Roosevelt to describe a public office that gives someone a chance to speak out on any issue and be heard.
You'll hear that term a lot as we prepare for President Biden's second State of the Union address next Tuesday, but what does it mean?

Look, we don't like bullies anymore than you do. In fact, fighting bullies in politics is quite literally what we do. Back in ol' Rough Rider Roosevelt's day "bully" meant more like "wonderful" or "great".
So when we tell you that President Biden has a chance to use his bully pulpit during the State of the Union, we're really saying he's got everyone's attention and he better use it to take a stand against corruption.
Add your name to our letter to the President calling on him to take a stand for freedom when he delivers his speech next Tuesday.
We both know that corruption in politics is a huge problem. Whether it's gerrymandering in voting districts or floods of corporate and special interest money pouring into elections, people from all parties and walks of life know this is a problem.
President Biden has a chance to send a clear and powerful statement that fighting corruption needs to be our priority.
Tell the President — use your bully pulpit to address corruption in politics.
Next Tuesday night President Biden will have the nation's attention. He needs to use it to take a clear stand for Democracy. He needs to hear that from you.
Let’s hope next week we’re all saying, “bully for you, Mr. President”
Ben Levinsohn Mobilization Manager RepresentUs